Home News Goldberg Issues Challenge To Crimson, More Trash Talk

Goldberg Issues Challenge To Crimson, More Trash Talk


The war of words between TNA star Crimson and Bill Goldberg is heating up. To recap, Crimson said his undefeated streak is “way longer than that Goldberg guy.” When it was brought to his attention that Crimson mentioned him on Impact, Goldberg responded, “Who??”

Goldberg later re-tweeted a message saying that “Goldberg ate chumps like him during his streak every freaking night. #TheRealStreakBelongs2Goldberg””

During last night’s Impact Wrestling post show, Crimson continued to mock Goldberg, he certainly won’t be the person to answer his open challenge for Slammiversary. You can view his comments below (around the 13:25 mark):

When a fan tweeted Goldberg about Crimson’s latest comments, Goldberg told Crimson where he can find him:

“He can meet me at my gym @SutYadPalung ..sparring M,W,F 9am…….my advice is bring headgear and his insurance card.”