Good Brothers, Rocky Romero, & nZo Produce Cartoon Series

The Good Brothers, nZo, and Rocky Romero have produced a short cartoon series.

Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Rocky Romero, and the former Enzo Amore have released a new cartoon titled “The Real Gimmicks.”

Rocky Romero has described the series as “South Park meets wrestling.” The Talk N Shop crew released clips of the cartoon during RAW last night.

A clip of the first episode is available below:

Rocky Romero spoke about the project on a recent episode of Talk is Jericho.

“We’re working on an animated series, it’s gonna debut on Instagram. It’s called The Gimmicks,. If it’s the first time you’ve ever heard about it, it’s actually phenomenal. We’re working with an amazing team, they’re called Toonstar, it’s an amazing studio out in LA, and basically we’re doing South Park meets wrestling. It’s insanity, all the insanity from Talk’n Shop A Mania, we’re bringing it to you in an animation, as a cartoon. It’s unfiltered, it’s raw, it’s real, and it’s pretty crazy.”

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The Talk N Shop crew has also announced a follow up to the worst PPV ever. Romero noted that Talk N Shop Mania 2 will be even worse than the original.

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