Home News Hogan Agrees Impact Zone Is “Killing” TNA & Turns Down Howard Stern’s Offer

Hogan Agrees Impact Zone Is “Killing” TNA & Turns Down Howard Stern’s Offer


– TNA star Hulk Hogan has once again publicly stated that he feels the Impact Zone is hurting the TNA product. A fan told Hogan on Twitter, “I love TNA bro but you gotta get out of the impact zone, it’s killing the product.” Hogan replied:

– Hulk Hogan also turned down an invitation from radio personality Howard Stern to drop his lawsuit against Bubba the Love Sponge and Bubba’s ex-wife, Heather Clem. Howard Stern told Bubba this week that he wants to get him and Hulk Hogan on his show so he can help them work out their differences.

Hogan’s attorney David Houston responded to Stern’s invitation in a statement issued to the New York Daily News:

“Absolutely not. It’s not going to happen. I appreciate Howard Stern’s offer. I know it has entertainment value, but this isn’t entertainment. We’re dealing with some drastic consequences in my client’s life.”

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