Home News Hogan Bashes Warrior Again, Dreamer No-Shows Impact, Darsow

Hogan Bashes Warrior Again, Dreamer No-Shows Impact, Darsow


– Hulk Hogan’s ongoing beef with the Ultimate Warrior continues. To recap, Hulk Hogan buried Warrior during his recent interview on HDNet’s “The Voice vs.” show, saying Warrior was one of the many guys who was given the ‘magic bullet’ to kill Hulkamania, but was unable to.

Warrior fired back at Hogan with a scathing video of his own, saying he found that magic bullet and is going to post a video soon exposing Hulk Hogan for the man he truly is.

Hogan has since responded to Warrior’s video, writing the following on Twitter:

“that what he’s programed for, some people love, help, laugh, create, have fun, he hates.warrior who? HH”

– Hulk Hogan also commented on the recent backlash against his friend Brian Knobs, who upset a lot of people by mocking Randy Savage at a wrestling convention on the day of his death. Hogan defended Knobs by saying:

“that’s what’s so crazy they are way cool, Knobs always jokes around though, maby somebody took Knobs joking and is trying to bury him H”

– Dakota Darsow, son of Barry Darsow (Demolition Smash, Repo Man), wrestled a dark match prior to Tuesday’s TNA Impact Wrestling taping from Orlando. Darsow, a former WWE developmental talent, lost to Texas wrestler Jesse Sorensen.

– Conspicuous by his absence at Tuesday’s TNA Impact Wrestling taping was Tommy Dreamer.

Dreamer, who just turned heel and is in the midst of a feud with Fortune, was scheduled to attend the tapings. No word yet as to why he wasn’t there, but his absence was a hot topic of discussion backstage on Tuesday, according to a report on pwinsider.com.