Home News Hulk Hogan Q&A: Chances Of Wrestling Again, Movie On His Life, Issues With Bret Hart

Hulk Hogan Q&A: Chances Of Wrestling Again, Movie On His Life, Issues With Bret Hart


TNA Impact Wrestling star Hulk Hogan recently sat down for a Q&A with the Cape Breton Post, to discuss a number of topics, including the rumored movie on his life and his thoughts on a possible return to the ring. Below are highlights from the discussion:

CP: The big headline lately is that you’re developing a movie about your life — is this true?

HH: It’s not really true. It’s a TMZ headline…. What happened was, I was going through LaGuardia Airport … this guy asked me a bunch of dumb questions for TMZ and he goes, ’Eh, when are they going to do a bio about your life?’ And I said, ’It’s already in development.’ So now everybody’s rambling like it’s a feature film already. But the truth is … two kids that are writers in L.A., hot young writers, they did a four-page treatment and I’m telling you they nailed it — they nailed it like they were living in my shoes — and I gave them the green light to go ahead and write the first pass. But that’s all it is.

CP: When you say they nailed it, what did they capture?

HH: First off, they’ve got wrestling in their blood, they were huge Hulk Hogan fans, so they followed not only the smoke and mirrors that you see on TV, but they followed personally what I was going through: the divorce, the car accident, all the drama, the eight back surgeries, the hip replacements, the knee replacements.

CP: TMZ had asked you if your son would play you onscreen and you said that sounds like a good idea.

HH: I said he’d be perfect for it but I think we need a serious, serious actor that knows what he’s doing. You know who I thought would be good? That guy that did that action movie, ’Thor’ (Chris Hemsworth).

CP: How do you feel about your milestone 60th birthday (which was this past weekend)?

HH: Pretty good, because I’m eternally youthful and I’m 60 years young. I’ll take my shirt off in front of any 25 year old and I guarantee I’m built better than they are.

CP: Where are you at in terms of your relationship with the ring? Are you content to be outside of it, behind the mike and doing other things, or do you want to get back inside?

HH: I would love to be in the main event and running around the ring going crazy, but the truth is, I don’t want to break anything else. And I had my day, I had my time, I made a pretty good statement, and I think that just being able to be around it — working with Impact Wrestling, I’m still on TV every Thursday night, from 9 to 11 on Spike TV — I just get to live vicariously through the young guys.

CP: You’ve had some feuds with other wrestlers over the years — do some of them still stand or do you get over them? Like with Bret Hart, for instance. I’m asking because he’s Canadian.

HH: No, that’s all on his end. I love Bret. Whatever he did, I forgive him, whatever I did, I forgive myself. I just can’t keep that negative stuff in my spiritual structure. I’ve just basically got nothing but love for Bret Hart. He’s a great guy.

Check out the complete Q&A online at CapeBretonPost.com.

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