Home News Impact Results (11/25): Wrestle House Thanksgiving Special

Impact Results (11/25): Wrestle House Thanksgiving Special

Impact Results (11/25): Wrestle House Thanksgiving Special

It was a rather unique episode of Impact Wrestling this week. Following a big Turning Point event, we were transported back to Wrestle House for some shenanigans. The premise of the show was that John E. Bravo sold his soul to Rosemary (who wants his virgin blood) in exchange for making Johnny Swinger happy again. A bunch of characters were then sent to Wrestle House and were cursed with remaining there until Swinger is happy and thankful again.

Impact Results 11/25:

  1. Chris Sabin defeated Kaleb With A K
  2. Downtown Daddy Brown (Willie Mack) defeated Johnny Swinger
  3. Rosemary, Crazzy Steve, Havok, Taurus & Chris Sabin defeated Eddie Edwards, Alisha Edwards, Kaleb, and Madison Rayne
  4. Johnny Swinger defeated Lawrence D
  5. Black Taurus defeated Hernandez

Good Looking Chris Sabin defeats Kaleb With A K

As Kaleb with a K was attempting to hit on one of the Swingerellas, Chris Sabin comes out of the shower wearing only a towel, which draws the attention of many in the house. Kaleb evidently grows jealous of Sabin’s shirtless physique and challenges him to a match. After a quick match, Sabin hits a Cradle Shock in slow motion for the win.

Downtown Daddy Brown Comes Out of Retirement

Madison Rayne and Alisha Edwards came up with a plan to cheer up Johnny Swinger. Since Swinger is perpetually stuck in the territory days, they decided to bring back a wrestler from that era. A few years ago, Impact did a throwback show where they pretended to be an old school wrestling territory. On that show, Willie Mack performed as Downtown Daddy Brown. The housemates decided to ask Rosemary to teleport Daddy Brown to the house. When he arrived, however, it turned out him and Swinger had longstanding heat and a match between the two was scheduled.

After a ref bump, Swinger hit Brown with his own cane but Brown got the shoulder up at 2. Brown came back with a big head butt followed by an elbow drop (which injured his hip) and got the pin.

Alisha Edwards, Kaleb with a K, and Madison Rayne Given A Chance to Win Their Way Out of the House

Alisha, Rayne, and Kaleb really want to leave the house but the others wouldn’t go until they had broken the curse and made Swinger happy and thankful again. A match was scheduled and if the heels won, they would be teleported out of the house. Alisha requested that her husband Eddie Edwards join her team and he was teleported to the house as well. Rosemary ended up spearing Alisha and getting the pin. It looks like everyone will be staying put in the house.

The Demon Brought In To Help Cheer Swinger Up

The Demon was brought in to help cheer up Swinger. He was told it was Gene Simmons from KISS, however. Swinger told him there was a guy going around trying to impersonate him called the Demon. Demon responded that he heard the Demon was a good guy. The advice Demon gave to Swinger was to find the right woman in order to be happy. Since Swinger thought it was Gene Simmons giving him the advice, it meant a lot to him.

Johnny Swinger Fights For The Honor Of Swingerella #1

After receiving advice from who be believed was Gene Simmons, Swinger then went to make a commitment to one of the Swingerellas. Lawrence D confronted him, however. This led to a match between the two. Lawrence tried to gain the advantage by spraying his “Ring Rust” cologne in the eyes of Swinger but John E Bravo smelled it and refused to count the pin after. Swinger then threw powder in his opponent’s eyes and hit a swinging neckbreaker for the win. Swinger then proposed to Swingerella #1 and she accepted. Rosemary then announced the curse wouldn’t be broken until the two go to the altar.

Hernandez Finds Out Rosemary Is Going To Steal John E Bravo’s Soul

Hernandez overhears a conversation between John E Bravo and Rosemary about Rosemary taking John E Bravo’s soul in exchange for Swinger’s happiness. This leads to a match between Hernandez and Taurus. Hernandez was forced to wear dress clothes for the match and after his pants tore at the seat, Taurus rolled him up for the 3-count. Rosemary then cast a spell on Hernandez to make him think he’s part of LAX again.

John E. Bravo Marries Swingerella #1

A rather bizarre wedding took place to close out this episode. Rosemary’s plan to steal John E Bravo’s soul was uncovered but Bravo then revealed he no longer has virgin blood because he slept with Swingerella #1. This led to Swinger leaving the wedding and looking relieved for having done so. Bravo then proposed to Swingerella #1 and she accepted. The two were then married. Finally, the castmates enjoy a dinner before the show goes off the air.