Impact Wrestling Highlights: Josh Mathews Fired?

Impact Wrestling
Airdate: April 13th 2017
Orlando FL

1. Reno Scum vs. Laredo Kid and Garza Jr. (Crash) vs. Decay

Impact Wrestling has been placing a lot of emphasis on the tag team division as of late. We get a 3-way tag match to start off this edition of Impact. Reno Scum look to be the next tag team thrown into the title mix, as they pick up the win here by pinning Crazy Steve after a double foot stomp.
At the end of the match Josh Mathews opted to just leave the commentary area.
Winners: Reno Scum

* We get a backstage segment of Andrew Everett claiming he’s done enough to earn an X-division title shot. Gregory Helms interupts and says Everett has to wrestle in a fatal 4-way tonight. Everett challenges Helms to be in that match.

Bruce Pritchard and EC3 Segment

Pritchard asks EC3 if when he tapped out against El Patron, did he tapout in the match or did he tap out to himself? He’s trying to motivate EC3.

2. Sienna and KM vs. Braxton Sutter and Allie

Weird finish to this match as Allie hit Sienna with a crossbody, Sienna tripped over KM and Allie held her down for the pin. After the match Kongo Kong hit the ring. Kongo immediately went after Sutter and gave him a big Samoan drop. Sienna was seen controlling Kongo, and has some type of hold on the monster.
Laurel Van Ness then hit the ring, still in her wedding dress. This distracted Allie which allowed Sienna to hit the AK-47.
Despite looking like a wild beast from the deepest darkest jungles, Kongo Kong is actually 37-year old Steve Wilson from Michigan. He’s been competing on the indies since 2004 and is finally getting his big break. He had also been featured on Global Force Wrestling.
Winners: Braxton Sutter and Allie

3. Rosemary vs. Santana Garett (non-title)

Rosemary, who took a decade long journey to get to a major promotion, sure has taken advantage of the opportunity Impact has provided her with. While the entire stable, and Bray Wyatt, need to tone down the maniacal laugh a little bit, Rosemary (Courtney Rush) has really embraced the character.
Rosemary wins this showcase match over Garrett with Red Wedding. She then licked the belt. Her next title defence will be against ODB, though ODB didn’t make an appearance here.
Winner: Rosemary

4. Andrew Everett vs. Gregory Shane Helms vs. Suicide vs. Marshe Rocket

Helms was wrestling in street gear, as he was not prepared to wrestle in this match. After taking an inziguri from Everett, Helms spent the final moments of the match on the outside. Everett got the win by hitting the shooting star press on Rocket. Whether the win finally earns him an X-division title match against Trevor Lee still is not clear. After the match Helms and Lee attacked Everett.
Winner: Andrew Everett

5. Davey Richards w/Angelina Love vs. DJZ

This match was of course filmed before DJZ suffered an injured colon that required surgery in Mexico City last week. DJZ got some offence, but for the most part this match was a showcase of Davey Richards. DJZ ended up tapping to the ankle lock. After the match Eddie Edwards ran to the ring but was stopped by security. Edward’s wife Alisha got in the ring and tackled Angelina Love while security was dealing with Eddie.
Winner: Davey Richards via submission.

6. Team JB (El Patron, Matt Morgan, Chris Adonis , Magnus) vs. Team Mathews (Lashley, Bram, Eli Drake, Tyrus)

There was a lot of back and forth between JB and Josh at commentary during this match naturally. At one point Josh seemed to turn on the Pope as well. Finish of the match came when Matt Morgan hit Bram with the Carbon Footprint and Magnus followed with a flying elbow drop for the pin. Team JB wins, and I guess that means Mathews is gone? The whole Impact roster came out to celebrate and rub it into Mathews.
Winners: Team JB (Magnus pinned Bram)

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