Impact Wrestling Highlights: New Tag Champs

Impact Wrestling
March 30th 2017
Universal Studios
Orlando, FL

Karen Jarrett Segment

Karen Jarrett opens the show by cutting a promo on Sienna. Jarrett says she hears Sienna is a bully and she doesn’t like bullies. She then bullies Sienna to leave the ring area. This brings out Sienna’s cousin KM who cuts a promo on Karen. That brought out Allie and Braxton Sutter and a match between KM and Sutter is made for later in the show.

1. Andrew Everett vs. DJ Z

First match of the show was in the X-division. The finish of the match came when DJ Z went for a DDT but was countered into a rollup by Everett for a 3 count.
Speaking of 3-counts, after the match Gregory Helms and Lee came out and cut a promo on Everett. Helms says that next week Everett will have a chance to earn an X-division title match, though he is not told how.
Winner: Andrew Everett

Rosemary “Knockouts Burial Celebration”

Member of Decay, Rosemary, also known on the indies as Courtney Rush, has been knockouts champ for 5 months now. She mentioned how many knockouts she has disposed of. This brought out pretty much everyone in the division, starting with ODB. A few more knockouts spoke and then everything broke down into a brawl. The long and the short of it is that there are many potential challengers for Rosemary’s title. Later we find out that next week the knockouts will have a gauntlet battle royal to determine the new #1 contender.

EC3 and James Storm Segment

EC3 cuts a promo and apologizes for his attitude towards Karen Jarrett last week. For some reason, this brings out James Storm, who was without his DCC teammates.
Storm says he built this company while EC3 was in high school or getting up to no good with his fraternity. Finally the two of them decide that the fans should decide who challenges for Bobby Lashley’s championship.

2. Impact Grand Championship Match
Moose (c) vs. Cody Rhodes

Before the start of round 3, Brandi Rhodes gives it to Cody and walks out on the match. The judges awarded a split decision to Moose, and he retains his championship. Somehow, I don’t think this match will end the rivalry between the two.
Winner: Moose (1st title defence)

3. KM w/Sienna vs. Braxton Sutter w/Allie

We get our first look at Sienna’s cousin KM in this match. He came up with an impressive looking win here with a power bomb converted into a backbreaker for the pin.
KM is Kevin Matthews, a 35-year-old independent wrestler who generally competes on indies in the New York/New Jersey area.
After the match Laurel Van Ness, who looks more zombie than distraught bride now, came onto the entrance ramp. She stayed there and looked crazy for a bit until the segment ended.
Winner: KM

Before the main event we get an inside look inside LAX. The faction are seen drinking and playing cards. They appear to have made some money marketing 5150 tequila.

4. Impact Tag Team Championships
Decay vs. Reno Scum vs. Graza Jr & Laredo Kid vs. LAX

LAX (Santana and Ortiz) became the new Impact tag team champions by pinning Laredo Kid here. Rosemary attempted to get involved but she was thwarted by Diamante. Finish of the match came when LAX used a powerbomb/flying neck breaker combo to get the pin. Afterwards LAX celebrated in the ring.
Winners: LAX (new champions)

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