“Is it fun? No, not really” – MJF talks about the challenges of being a babyface (Exclusive)

MJF is one of AEW’s biggest breakout stars at this point, and that’s impossible to deny. He has gone by a few nicknames throughout his career so far, but one moniker he didn’t think would come so soon was that of a babyface.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman broke into the scene as AEW’s most ruthless heel. He captured mainstream attention by giving the middle finger and throwing an alcoholic drink on children, not one to garner cheers. Now, as we wrap up 2023, he’s changed his ways and fans have fully embraced him as a hero.

Following his recent induction into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, ‘Our Scumbag’ spoke with SEScoops correspondent The Solomonster Jason Solomon about this evolution. The ‘Salt of the Earth’ admitted that he resisted that change a bit, because he was afraid of rejection from fans. 

“[I get] the loudest reaction every single week is when my music hits. That’s a fact. A lot of people like to talk about feelings. That’s a fact. How did that happen? I think anybody can relate to my story. The reason I was afraid is because I was afraid of rejection. And it’s a lot easier walking through that curtain not caring how people think about you than it is walking through that curtain and it’s your job to care.

Now, it’s my job to make sure that everybody in that arena cares about me. It’s my job to make sure that everybody in that arena feels represented by me and I take that job very seriously. Is it fun? No. Not really, but I feel like put my own twist on it and I’ve been able to be myself unapologetically. I think the fans love me for that. I’m their scumbag.

I’m not your ‘Wheaties-eating, run-of-the-mill, blue-eyed baby face.’ I’m your friend in your friend group that deep down, you love, but God am I problematic. But we put up with it because I’m funny, you know?”

When Does MJF’s AEW contract expire?

MJF has been touting the Bidding War of 2024 for years now. As the wrestling war between AEW and WWE heats up, Friedman has boasted about his plan to play the two companies off each other in hopes of securing ‘life changing’ money from whoever he works for next.

It’s been speculated that MJF signed a contract extension prior to All Out 2022, but the AEW World Champion denies that he-signed with AEW.

MJF started sharing his real story, one that included everything he had to go through as a child. That journey to the top of pro wrestling wasn’t always the easiest path for MJF, but he made it through everything in his way to reach AEW.

Now, as AEW World Champion, MJF is a babyface character, but it didn’t come without trepidation. After all, it’s much simpler to get someone to hate you than it is to get them to cheer whenever your music hits. In some strange way, MJF was able to accomplish both.

MJF is set to defend the AEW World Title against Samoa Joe at Worlds End on December 30th. Considering the fact that MJF is going into that match hurt, we have to wonder how much longer he will sit on top of Tony Khan’s company. 

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