As we’ve previously noted, Ring Of Honor (ROH) star Jay Lethal recently did an interview on the Interactive Wrestling Radio to promote his upcoming ROH Death Before Dishonor against Silas Young. You can check out the highlights here below:
His thoughts on GFW’s recent rumored issues:
“We are, and I consider Ring of Honor the #2 wrestling company in the entire world. Some people might take this the wrong way. Some people might take this out of context. So, if someone hears this, please listen to the whole thing. With the thought process that you are the #2 wrestling company in the world, you really don’t look under you to see what the #3 wrestling company in the world is doing. You look up to see what the #1 wrestling company in the world is doing so that you can better yourself and not work down. That is in no way a knock on TNA, it is just a logical way of thinking. Take out the company names from the equation. The #2 doesn’t look at the #3, they look at the company that is in the #1 spot and that is all I’m saying.
“With that said, I did work for Impact Wrestling at one time. I had a great time there. They gave me one of the greatest days of my life when I wrestled Ric Flair live on pay-per-view. To see that they are going through such hard times, I don’t get joy from this though some people might think that my thought process would be, ‘Yeah! This is what they get for letting me go!’ No, no, no. I made a lot of great friends, a lot of great relationships from working there many of whom are still there. I have some great friends that just joined there. It hurts to see them going through any down or hard times because as we all have learned, the better each wrestling company does, the better the wrestling business as a whole does.”
The promo he and Ric Flair cut:
“That promo with Ric Flair was probably the scariest promo of my life. I was never, ever in TNA given a chance to, first of all, cut a promo, a live promo, in the middle of the ring with a live microphone. I was never, ever given this opportunity. When I was doing the Black Machismo character, all my promos or interviews were done backstage. Even if I didn’t say the right word or the right thing, it didn’t really matter so much because it was more of a comedic role. I could get away with it. I never had to do more than 1 take as my Black Machismo character. But, this Flair thing possibly could require a couple of takes. But, they didn’t care.
“They put me in the middle of the ring for the very first time, not knowing how I would do… It is like, ‘We didn’t trust you before but now that Flair wants to do this program with you, we have 100 percent confidence in you.’ Then, when you go on top of that, I have to go back and forth on the microphone with someone who is considered to be greatest promo guy in the history of this business. That made it the scariest moment of my life… All of the time I had to be face to face! I remember being so nervous, my hand went completely numb!”
Why he was let go by GFW:
“Again, not to talk negatively about them. I don’t want this to be taken out of context like, ‘Jay Lethal says they got rid of him for no reason.’ But, there was no reason given to me. Only speculation. A few things that I’ve speculated. One was they had already gotten rid of my buddy Sonjay Dutt and they were already trying to make some budget cuts for guys, when your contract comes up for renewal, you get a little bump. They were trying to limit those bumps.
“I also heard a rumor that Dixie’s mom came into the office because too much money was being spent and she made cuts. I also heard that, at the time, Jeff Jarrett was trying to start a new wrestling company up called… Something to do with NASCAR. Legally, guys who worked on that show could not work for Impact. I heard a rumor that was the reason I was let go. That one kind of made sense to me because shortly after I got released, I was contacted by Jeff Jarrett to work on that NASCAR show. I was never given a direct answer. They say things happen for a reason. When one door closes, another one opens. Everything they allowed me to do in the company prepared me for what I’d get to do in Ring of Honor. Lead the roster as the World Champion of a company that is recognized for its wrestling. That is one of my career highlights right there!”
His reign as ROH World Champion:
“Oh my Gosh! I loved it, I loved it! It’s a sick reason that I loved it. Here’s the reason. You’ve got guys on the roster like the Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Kyle O’Reilly, and you’ve got those guys and they should be in the main event. But, they’re not. They’re in matches, 3, 4, 5, and 6. And you’ve got to follow them! Because you’re the World Champion, you’ve got to dig down deep and come up with something as entertaining or better than what they just saw. That will drive you crazy because it did drive me crazy for some events.
“The fact that I had to dig down deep and pull out something… People will go, ‘the World Title match was good but this other match was better.’ I never wanted to hear that. I always wanted people to leave thinking, ‘Wow, what a main event!’ That really makes you pull an extra something out of yourself that you didn’t even know existed. I always enjoyed those moments where I’d leave the ring thinking, ‘Wow, I just followed all those amazing matches.’ That is the hardest part of being a part of the Ring of Honor roster. Our roster is full of literally the greatest wrestlers in the world. You’ve got to keep up or you’ve got to get out!”
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