Home News Jay Lethal On Working Against Alberto El Patron, Thoughts On Internet Wrestling Community

Jay Lethal On Working Against Alberto El Patron, Thoughts On Internet Wrestling Community


ROH TV Champion Jay Lethal recently appeared as a guest on the Chad Dukes Wrestling Show to promote his upcoming match against Alberto El Patron. Below are highlights from the interview.

On wrestling Alberto El Patron: “The coolest part of it is my dad, who watches anything and everything wrestling, is a big fan of Alberto’s, so it was actually cool getting to wrestle somebody that my dad was a fan of AND beating him so that way I could rub it in my dad’s face.

“But also, much like when I wrestled Ric Flair, Kurt Angle, I love those high-profile matches where you know there’s gonna be a lot of eyes on you because there’s a lot of press and publicity and such surrounding the match. I always love rising to those occasions because it’s kind of a lot of pressure, you know? You know the competition is going to be watching, especially since Alberto came from somewhere else, some of the people over there are going to be watching, it’s really exciting. It can be nerve wrecking, but I love those moments in wrestling.”

On the internet wrestling community: “That’s where we get to almost judge whether not what we’re doing is working. I think a lot of the internet wrestling community fans are bit smarter than the average wrestling fan, which is why they come together in this little internet community. I definitely think that it’s a positive that they are there, although they shouldn’t be taken too seriously sometimes.

“The wrestling world is becoming smarter, and what I mean by that is, I remember a time where there were so many fans who only knew what the WWF was and that was it. Now that they are finding out about independent shows and all the other things like that they’re becoming smarter, not even because they want to be but because it’s happening naturally. I do believe if we can please them, and its very easy to know if they’re being pleased, [laughs] they do not keep it to themselves.

“Every wrestler is egotistical, we all are. We all want to be praised. So no matter what it is we do, no matter who the wrestler is, don’t let them fool you, we all search for comments about what we are doing. Some of us take those comments too personally, they take it to the heart and they let it get us down if we thought we did something good but find out there was a massive amount of people or maybe a small amount of people who don’t think that it was good. That really gets some people down, I’ve seen it happen and it’s a shame. But overall I think it’s a good tool.”

Check out the complete interview at ChadDukesWrestlingShow.com.