JBL Teases Fun Plans In Coming Weeks

WWE Hall of Famer John Bradshaw Layfield (JBL) has teased the fans about the next move in his career.

The pro wrestling legend dropped a photo on social media which is from his appearance at MLW Fightland in September and wrote that he was just getting started. He also wrote that the next couple of weeks could be fun for him.

In recent months, JBL has showed in several promotions including TNA, GCW, OVW, AAA, and MLW. Amid the appearances, there has been speculation about his status with WWE. He had initially signed with the company in 1995 and he has been a part of the WWE roster ever since. However, he drew attention when he accompanied Nic Nemeth for his match at the Triplemanía XXXII: Mexico City event on August 17th.

There have been reports that Bradshaw remains under a Legends deal. Last month, while speaking on a Q&A with Sportskeeda, JBL was asked if he’s still under a deal with WWE. He was tight-lipped about his status but said that the speculation around him was wrong. He said:

“I’m going to answer this as politically correct, as correct as possible. I’ve never answered a question about my contract. I can tell you 100% this. I’ve seen speculation about me on the internet. It’s all wrong. 100% wrong. I’m not going to answer whether I am or not because WWE has always had a confidentiality clause in it. I’ve never thought it was good business to discuss my contract or anybody else’s. Sorry that I’m refusing to answer. The speculation about me has been wrong.”

There is a possibility that JBL has flexibility in his legends deal with WWE. This is something fellow WWE Hall of Famer Rob Van Dam has talked about recently.

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