TNA star Jeff Hardy has pledged to donate his brain to the CTE Center at Boston University and the Concussion Legacy Foundation after he passes away. He joins a list of wrestlers who’ve made the pledge to the CTE Center including Rob Van Dam, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley.
In a recent interview with Ring Rust Radio, Hardy said Nash’s decision to donate his brain influenced him.
“My wife read where Kevin Nash announced that and I said, “Oh my God I have to do that.” I for sure will do whatever it takes and I would love to be a part of that. It’s a huge serious issue in wrestling,” Hardy said. “I’ve rung my bells so many times especially back in the day when chair shots to the head were legal. My goodness, I took so many of those. Luckily, I’m only aware of about two or three concussions that I have had but there’s really no way of telling how many overall. When Nash announced he was doing that I was on board and I didn’t know that RVD did as well. That really inspired me to do the same thing.”