Jeff Jarrett On Possibly Bringing AAA’s TripleMania To U.S. PPV

The following are highlights of a new Squared Circle Gazette interview with Jeff Jarrett:

On the possibility of bringing AAA’s TripleMania show to North American Pay-Per-View: “We have our contracts in place with the Pay-Per-View distributors…You mention TripleMania – I’m in discussions with multiple international partners to bring their products to the North American and now the global audience via the Flipps App. So yes, to answer your question, yes, we are in discussions on bringing in other international shows to Pay-Per-View other than New Japan”

On whether he feels that traditional Pay-Per-View is a dying business model: “When you try twelve a year, absolutely. And yes, everything is going online obviously. But you know, UFC…Floyd Mayweather…if you ask them if Pay-Per-View is a dying breed they would laugh at you. But you have to have that special event, if you try twelve a year then the returns are not there, especially when there’s so much programming out there. In this set of circumstances, you can’t watch New Japan on a two or three hour weekly show with the same matchups. You can only see Tanahashi and Okada (and this great card) on Pay-Per-View, and that makes it can’t miss”

On the current TV landscape and if there is resistance to a new product: “We are in multiple, multiple discussions with several networks, but the right deal has to be done. My attorneys tell me that sometimes your best deals are the ones you don’t do. A guy like me, that’s hard to absorb at times. But AXS has just picked up New Japan for a 13 week run. Lucha Underground has got a run. Brand exposure is the key. To create revenues in this business, and Vince McMahon is a genius with that – his deal is fantastic with NBC Universal, but that’s just a piece of his puzzle. He has international deals, touring business, merchandise, licensing, sponsorship, his online Network. Revenue streams are broad and deep, so TV is one component of a wrestling promotion.”

Check out the complete interview at

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