Home News Jim Ross Blogs About HBK’s Retirement & WrestleMania 26

Jim Ross Blogs About HBK’s Retirement & WrestleMania 26


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can (and should) read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. In this long entry, Ross talks about WrestleMania 26, Shawn Michaels’ retirement and more. Some highlights:

Michaels vs. Undertaker II: “The highlight of the evening was Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels which was obviously the match of the night. I’ve answered a few emails regarding this matter and it is obvious that I would have loved to have broadcast this bout but that wasn’t in the cards. At least I was in Phoenix and saw the event live and was then able to spend significant time with both HBK and with Taker after the event in private settings. Those experiences became my Wrestlemania Moments.”

Update On JR’s Health & Future in WWE: “As for me, life is good and I am healthy and happy. For those that have erroneously written or assumed that the reason that I did not announce at WM26 was because of health concerns, that assumption is incorrect, I’m happy to say. Broadcasting wrestling in WWE is likely history for me but there are many other areas to which I can contribute in WWE and those options, among others, will be weighed over the next month.”

Shawn Michaels’ Retirement: “I do think that Shawn will call it a day after losing his retirement match Sunday. Shawn has been blessed to have earned a great deal of money over the years and especially since he returned from an approximate 4 year hiatus due to lingering back issues. Unlike many wrestlers who retire, HBK doesn’t have to worry about financial or legal issues and will be able to be essentially a full time dad to his two, young children which is an amazing blessing.”

“Shawn’s farewell message Monday night on Raw was from his heart and not something that he read on a TelePrompter. What fans saw Monday night was legitimate, organic TV from arguably the greatest all around, in ring performer, certainly of his generation, and perhaps of all time. I sincerely appreciated Shawn’s shout out to me on Raw which was, symbolically, a fitting end to my own Wrestlemania tenure.”