Jim Ross Blogs About His WWE Status & Future Plans

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his JRsBarBQ.com blog with an update on his health, his WWE status and what the future holds for him.

Ross sounds like he’s getting fed up with fans asking when he’ll return to WWE and says he has other options to pursue if he and WWE cannot come to terms on new contract when his short-term deal expires soon. Here’s what JR said about

His WWE Return: “If I get asked one more time when I’m going back to work at WWE, I think my head will explode. My career will take whatever direction it’s meant to take when contract negotiations commence. One never knows how that process will go until it begins. I do expect it to go well.”

Working From Home: “We have several, viable opportunities that will allow me to do some fun things and rarely leave Oklahoma which is a somewhat popular option with some members of my household. … I would be less than honest if I did not say that being at home, working on projects from Norman and from this region of the country isn’t an intriguing option for me to explore.”

Life After WWE:“I do know that my feelings toward broadcasting, my love of sports and entertainment, and emotionally engaging in whatever I do is alive and well. I’m certainly not burned out or even charred around the edges and sincerely feel that my best days lie ahead.”

As always, you can (and should) read the entire blog as well as check out JR’s great line of BBQ products at JRsBarBQ.com.

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