Jim Ross Compares The Fabulous Moolah To Current WWE Superstars

Jim Ross commented on the Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey match from Survivor Series on his most recent podcast. Needless to say, JR was as impressed as anyone with the performance of both athletes involved.

He also said that despite the athleticism and talent in the WWE locker room today, he still thinks the Fabulous Moolah was tougher than almost all of them.

“Moolah would probably go through the locker room if she wanted to, with the exception of maybe Ronda Rousey,” Jim Ross

“(Charlotte vs Rousey) was the most physically, most physicality, the most emotion, that I’ve ever seen in a women’s match ever,” Ross described the match.

JR made sure to mention there are some areas of women’s wrestling today which may not be ahead of where women’s wrestling has been previously, however.

“These women competing today are so far ahead athletically, aesthetically, and in many other ways,” he continued. “Maybe not fundamentally, maybe not toughness, I don’t know these things, than their predecessors.”

Then JR compared the Fabulous Moolah’s toughness to the modern day WWE women’s rosters.

“I’d suggest that in her heyday, Moolah would probably go through the locker room if she wanted to, with the exception of maybe Ronda Rousey,” Ross continued. “But that’s another story for another fantasy league.”

Jim Ross on Charlotte Flair vs Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series

Ross would continue to say he believes Rousey vs Charlotte was as good as it was because the fans went in with high expectations.

“As great as Rousey vs Charlotte was,” Ross said. “I believe it was because the audience was ready for it because they had high expectations. The women are smart, they are great athletes. They knew the expectations were going to be off the page, thanks to the angle with Rousey and Becky and the match with Becky and Charlotte at Evolution.”

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