Joey Ryan Reveals What Happened After Adam Page Left Him For Dead
There has been a significant development in the mystery surrounding Joey Ryan’s disappearance. Ryan had been presumed dead and Bullet Club’s Hangman Page even confessed to having murdered him.
Ryan then returned at All In, however, and attacked Page after his match against Joey Janela.
On the recently released episode of Being the Elite, Ryan explained what really happened to him after Page left him for dead.
What Really Happened To Joey Ryan?
Ryan revealed that while he had been badly beaten by Page, he was still alive. His wife soon found him and helped nurse him back to health. His wife then put him on a strict training regimen.
“I started out weak, with barely any strength in my body,” Ryan said of his initial recovery. “As time went on, because of my courage, I started to get stronger. Also, the steroids helped.”
After taking steroids to recover, Ryan then revealed he had to hide from the public in order to pick the best possible time to get his revenge on Page.
“I was my old self again but I had to fake my own death and hide from the public,” Ryan continued. “Even when I saw someone else (Stephen Amell) falsely accused of my murder, I had to be patient. I had to pick the perfect spot to avenge what happened to me and I wouldn’t come alone, I’d bring an army with me!”
Ryan then continued to say what type of army it was he would bring with him to All In.