We’ve got more information on the leg injury that John Cena suffered at Tuesday night’s WWE live event from Wilkes-Barre, Pennstylvania.
During the steel cage main event between Wade Barrett and John Cena, Barrett hit his Wasteland finisher, which most believe is when the injury took place. Barrett began climbing the cage to escape but stopped as if he were waiting for Cena to come stop him. Cena used the ropes to get up as Barrett pretended to have his leg stuck in the cage wall. Barrett’s motions were described as slow motion as he waited for Cena.
As Barrett was on the cage, WWE trainers came down from backstage and were yelling into the ring. Barrett came down and Cena countered a punch, put him in a submission and Barrett tapped out immediately.
SEScoops reader Rick was at the event and sent in this recap of what happened:
“When Barrett was climbing the cage and Cena was down, the trainers came running down from the dressing area. I was on the far side and could see one of the trainers yelling into the ring. Right after that is when John hit Wade with the submission hold. Wade didn’t even last one second.”
SEScoops reader Dave, who was also at the show, wrote:
“I don’t know if it was a work but it looked pretty serious to me. In the main event of Cena Barrett, Cena looked like he may have suffered a very serious injury. My wife even said to me the refs are yelling end it end it. Cena could barely stand and even addressed the crowd at the end of the show.”
After the match, John Cena grabbed a microphone and told the live crowd that he suffered an injury but was going to walk out on his own and did not want to be carried. Fans who sent in live reports said that Cena looked to be in a lot of pain as he exited the ring.