Home News MLW Johnny Fusion Returning to MLW at Blood & Thunder

Johnny Fusion Returning to MLW at Blood & Thunder

Johnny Fusion Returning to MLW at Blood & Thunder

Former WWE Superstar John Morrison returns to Major League Wrestling at MLW Blood & Thunder. The event takes place Saturday, January 7 from Philadelphia’s 2300 Arena.

Keeping with his habit of altering his name based on the promotion he’s working for, he’ll be competing as Johnny Fusion.

A press release sent in by MLW reads:

“No stranger to MLW, Johnny Fusion, tore it up against the likes of Shane Strickland, Darby Allin and others in MLW during his last stint. With a reloaded MLW roster featuring the likes of Davey Richards, Alex Hammerstone, Jacob Fatu and many others, expect some dream matches on the horizon.

Perhaps a reunion could be in the mix for Johnny Fusion, who has history with the ruthless Cesar Duran.

Plus, the reigning Women’s World Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie happens to be Johnny Fusion’s wife. Could a new power couple be in play in 2023 in MLW?”

Tickets for MLW Blood & Thunder are now available at MLW2300.com.

MLW Blood & Thunder Matches

  • MLW World Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone vs. YAMATO
  • Jacob Fatu vs. Ben-K

Additional talent signed to appear includes Alex Kane, Real1, Davey Boy Smith Jr. & The Billington Bulldogs, Mance Warner, Women’s World Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie and more.