Home News John Morrison Sold His House to Fund Movie

John Morrison Sold His House to Fund Movie

John Morrison Sold His House to Fund Movie

Former WWE Intercontinental Champion and current Lucha Underground star Johnny Mundo (a.k.a John Morrison) recently appeared on former WWE Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian’s podcast, E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness, to talk about his career since leaving WWE. You can check out what he had to say here:

Why he left WWE:

“I knew I wanted to do a movie, an action movie, and when I left WWE in 2011, I didn’t specifically know. I didn’t leave to do Boone: The Bounty Hunter. I left to do a movie and I wanted to be able to do what I’m best at, which I think is pro wrestling, parkour, and MMA-style fight choreo, and have a comedic, self-deprecating, have a reluctant hero be the star and have it be an action movie, an action comedy.”

Selling his dream house to fund his movie:

“I just kept cutting the budget further and further and further until we ended up with the current iteration of Boone, which I ended up having to fund because around 2014 it felt like, we had all this cast, director, and everyone attached. And we pushed the dates a couple of times. And it felt like if we pushed the dates again, it would slip away, so I ended up selling my house to fund the production of Boone: The Bounty Hunter. And once I did that, I was locked in because a half-finished movie, it turns out, isn’t worth anything.”

Using pro wrestling terminology in real-life:

“I assimilate things in life and just in general with [pro] wrestling all the time now. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be like I sit down at Denny’s and my eggs come out wrong, ‘uh oh, the server just turned heel.’ ‘It’s a cluster, oh God.’ ‘Looks like a TNA house show, uh oh.’ No offense.”

You can listen to Mundo’s interview with Edge & Christian by going to this link here.

H/T Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptionsÂ