Home News Jordynne Grace On How She Signed With Impact, Scott Steiner Backlash

Jordynne Grace On How She Signed With Impact, Scott Steiner Backlash

Jordynne Grace On How She Signed With Impact, Scott Steiner Backlash
Jordynne Grace (Photo: Scott Lesh)

Current Impact Wrestling Knockouts Champion, Jordynne Grace has addressed the rumors over how she came to sign with the promotion. She also reflected on her storyline with Scott Steiner that received a negative reception online.

There had been a long-gestating rumor that Grace was offered her Impact contract through a direct message on social media. Turns out, although the contract itself wasn’t delivered by social media, the conversation that eventually led to it did.

“Scott D’Amore originally contacted me through a Twitter DM and we exchanged phone numbers,” Grace explained to Wrestling Inc. Daily. “Then I was offered the contract through the phone conversation. Scott is one of the coolest guys ever. When he talks business, it’s serious. But in general, he’s kinda one of the boys. He was a wrestler himself so he knows how it is and looks out for the best interests for everybody.”

Jordynne Grace & Scott Steiner Backlash

Turning her mind back to Impact’s 2019 Unbreakable event, Grace reflected on her matchup. She teamed with Scott Steiner and Petey Williams against the team of Dicky Mayer, Gentleman Jervis and Ryan Taylor. The match received some backlash, however, not for the in-ring action but because of Steiner’s actions before and after the match where he slapped Grace’s backside.

“You know what’s so funny is that the first few times we worked together I don’t think he knew my name,” Grace stated. “He’s Scott Steiner so why would he know my name? But he’s been my idol for a long time and I think he’s awesome. But I don’t think he knew I was jokingly calling him my dad because the first time we did our Impact [promo] together along with Petey, he slapped my ass during the promo. I was like, ‘Well, I can never say you’re my dad again.'”

Regarding the controversy itself, Grace said “It was stupid. The first time he slapped my ass, I said, ‘Ok, whatever.’ I didn’t know he was gonna slap my ass at the end of the match, but what are you gonna do? I acted like I was surprised because I didn’t know how to play it off. He asked me if he could do it and I don’t know how I can tell Scott Steiner’ no.’ So I just let him do it.”

Jordynne Grace recently defeated Taya Valkyrie for the Knockouts Championship.

H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.