JR Blog: WWE Cable TV Channel, Grisham & Striker, WM26

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety at JRsBarBQ.com. Some highlights:

A WWE Cable Channel: “As I wrote earlier in the week, the potential of a WWE Channel is another positive. There are virtually unlimited ways to create new programming notwithstanding the Legends Roundtables, watching DVD releases w/ the talents involved with the production, daily blocks of World Class, AWA, ect has credence. Producing internet “radio shows” along the line of ESPN’s Mike and Mike, etc would work. Producing a specfic number of hours of daily programming and then repeating it seems doable. The potential is really limitless.

WrestleMania 26: “It will be interesting to see how Wrestlemania 26 gets out of the box for Phoenix. It’s a great time to be a fan. There will be several days of activities for fans making the trip to the valley of the sun. I’ve attended a Fiesta Bowl there and the facility is incredible.

New Smackdown Announce Team: Grisham and Striker are beginning to mesh as a solid broadcast duo and their efforts will continue to be a work in progress which is to be expected. I like their potential. Their progress may see yours truly assume another role TBD upon my return which works for me. I feel that I’m fortune to be able to help the team in a variety of ways. All of that is up in the air and is pure speculation until I’ve been medically cleared. Maybe there is a there man booth in my future especially on selected PPV’s. Who knows but I for one am not concerned. Just anxious to get back in the game.

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