Home News Juice Robinson Seeks Revenge Against Jon Moxley

Juice Robinson Seeks Revenge Against Jon Moxley

Juice Robinson Seeks Revenge Against Jon Moxley
New IWGP US Champion Jon Moxley & Juice Robinsonn

Former IWGP United States Champion, Juice Robinson, wants revenge.

Specifically, he wants revenge against Jon Moxley, who recently bested Robinson for the IWGP US Championship.

Speaking with Sports Illustrated, Robinson explained his vendetta against one of New Japan Pro Wrestling’s latest high profile signings.

“”Revenge, that’s the word,” said Robinson. “I want revenge on Jon Moxley, and I’ll get it. He has so much charisma and an incredible persona in the ring, and that makes me level up. I want to wrestle Mox every f******g day.”

“I Have To Hold My Ground”

The two will clash during this summer’s G1 Climax tournament. Both men are entrants in the B Block, meaning a second encounter is inevitable.

Aware of this fact, Robinson commented that “My goal is to have that Moxley match at Ryogoku any time my number is called. I need to be able to rise to the occasion and immediately kick ass.”

He admits that, right now, he’s still not at the level of a Cody, a Chris Jericho, or a Jon Moxley, adding that he is doing everything he can to earn his spot and fit in.

“[…] I have to try to hold my ground. Big stars come in—Cody comes in, Jericho comes in, Moxley comes in. Now I’m not on their level, but I’m working to get there. I am trying to compete with some big stars, and I am doing everything I can to compete with them. Ospreay, Ibushi, Kenta, there are so many talented people here. I’m just a regular guy trying to fit in.”

Despite this attitude, he warns Moxley to “watch his back,” adding that he can’t wait to see him in the G1.