All Elite Wresting’s Kenny Omega has chimed in on a recent story revolving around his former NJPW tag team partner, Kota Ibushi, and WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon.
The 2016 story by Rob Wolkenbrod was recently re-shared on Twitter. The article recounted a meeting between Ibushi and Vince McMahon backstage at NXT TakeOver: Dallas.
According to the article, Ibushi went backstage during the show and “gave a ‘high-five’ to a ‘big man’.” As it turns out, that ‘big man’ was none other than Vince McMahon. Apparently, Ibushi had no clue who Vince McMahon was which caused several staff members to allegedly become “upset.”
Ibushi competed in WWE’s Cruiserweight Classic back in 2016. He would later decline a WWE contract. Last year, Ibushi signed a full-time deal with NJPW.
Kenny Omega’s Thoughts
Kenny Omega shared his thoughts on the matter having seen the story once again enter the public eye.
Taking to Twitter, he stated:
“Hard to believe, but yeah, some of the most talented wrestlers in the world aren’t constantly walking on eggshells and scared shitless of their boss.”
Kenny Omega is scheduled for action tonight at AEW Fyter Fest Night Two. He looks to defend the AEW Tag Team Champions with his partner Hangman Page. The duo will face off against Private Party, who will be accompanied by Matt Hardy.