Knockout Reportedly Injured, Jarrett Launches YouTube Channel

— Lucha sites Ovaciones and Luchablog are reporting that Sarita, who wrestles as Dark Angel in CMLL, was nixed from Sunday’s card due to an arm injury.

— Jeff Jarrett has launched a YouTube channel to document TNA Live Events across the country. The TNA Founder will be uploading several videos during every tour, which will include backstage footage of TNA’s performers, candid moments, promotional appearances, interviews and more. His channel can be reached here.

— TNA Wrestling will be releasing a two-disc DVD set highlighting the company’s early years on Sept. 21. “The Best of the Asylum Years, Part 1 has a run time of 360 minutes. Another DVD counting down the top 10 moments in company history from 2007 to today — as voted on by TNA fans — is set for release on Oct. 18. TNA’s Greatest Moments has a run time of 180 minutes.

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