Home News The Latest On Jose Canseco & Riddick Bowe Wanting To Work With TNA

The Latest On Jose Canseco & Riddick Bowe Wanting To Work With TNA


Former Major League Baseball player José Canseco is the latest [former] professional athlete expressing interest in working with TNA.

Following his recent statement that he wants to become a professional wrestler, former heavyweight boxing champion Riddick Bowe tweeted the following message to Canseco and TNA star Robbie E on Monday:

“@RobbieEImpact what’s up partner. Being we have same manager. How do I become a bro and your tag team partner. U need a tough guy partner”

Canseco replied back with the following:

“@RobbieEImpact what’s up bro. When u coming to Vegas. Ask @TNADixie to get me in tna. I will be your bodyguard”