Home News TNA Final Resolution 2012 Results

TNA Final Resolution 2012 Results


TNA Final Resolution PPV Opener:

The show begins, as usual, with the big elaborate video package highlighting the main feuds heading into tonight’s pay-per-view.

In-Ring Segment: James Storm, Kazarian, Bobby Roode

Todd Kenely welcomes us to the show. He’s quickly interrupted by James Storm’s music, and the Cowboy makes his way out to the ring. He says he’s not scheduled to wrestle, but that won’t stop him from having a little bit of fun with the fans. Last Thursday there was an incident with Aces and 8?s and he told Jeff Hardy he’d watch his back, and he did. Then on the ramp he saw Bobby Roode give a thumbs up, so what he’s here to do, is to ruin Bobby Roode’s celebration party before he even gets a chance. Storm wants to look him square in the eye before punching him in the face and say sorry about your… but he’s interrupted by Kaz. Kaz says that it was Willie Nelson who said Mama’s don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys, and he was talking about this one. He says other than AJ Styles, Storm has grown to be the biggest man-baby in the company. Everyone has had to listen to Storm complain and moan, and he’s a drunk. Kaz says Storm is a raging, proud alcoholic. Kaz says lately Storm has developed another nasty habit, and that’s sticking his nose in other people’s business. He’s come out to do Storm a service and tell him that it’s time he cut this cheap dime store Toby Keith routine. Saddle up, get on your horse and ride off into the sunshine. Storm complains that Kaz had all day to come up with a promo and that’s all he gets. Where he comes from, people don’t like the sunshine because they drink the moonshine. Kaz makes fun of the crowd for cheering drinking. Storm says there’s more beer drinkers here tonight, and he’s got a great idea because of them, why doesn’t Kaz climb in and take Roode’s a** whipping for him, unless he needs to ask his boyfriend first. Kaz says he’s not here to engage in fisticuffs, and there’s no ref, the match isn’t even sanctioned. Storm says he doesn’t need a ref to whoop Kaz’s a**. Storm heads out of the ring and slams Kaz’s head into the barricade, then the ring steps. Storm hits Kaz and slams him into the barricade. He throws him in the ring and apparently we have ourselves a match!

James Storm vs. Kazarian

Storm beats on Kaz a while following the sound of the bell, however Kaz is quick to turn things around with a huge clothesline. Kaz chokes Storm against the middle rope, standing on his back, before choking him with his boot in the corner. Kaz hits Storm with a neckbreaker that’s good enough for a near fall. Kaz wrenches Storm’s neck, but Storm fights to his feet before being yanked to the mat by his hair. Kaz picks Storm up to his feet and tosses him through the ropes out to the floor. Kaz follows and hits Storm with a series of elbows to the back of the head before taking him over to the barricade, going to the apron, and leaping off with a double axe handle smash. Kaz brings things back into the ring for a near fall before focusing in on Storm’s head and neck. Storm is able to fight out of the hold and hits Kaz with a series of clotheslines and a big flying forearm. Storm hits a double underhook suplex to put down Kaz for a two count. Storm ends up catching Kaz with the Alabama Slam. He follows it up by hitting Kaz with Closing Time. Storm hypes up the crowd, clapping and getting ready for the last call. Kaz pulls the ref in front of him to avoid it, and almost connects with the Fade To Black. Storm ends up working his way out and hits the Last Call out of nowhere to score the pinfall on Kaz for the victory.

Winner: James Storm

TNA X-Title: Rob Van Dam (c) vs. Kenny King

RVD and Kenny King shake hands before the match officially begins. RVD and King lock up and RVD locks in a head lock. King pushes him away but ends up right in another head lock. King fights RVD down to the mat, but RVD fights out and goes into another head lock. King fights out of it, but RVD takes him down to the mat in a chin lock. King fights back up to his feet and clamps on a head lock on his own. King and Van Dam flip around each other for a bit, leap frogging, until RVD hits an enzugiri. RVD blasts King with a kick to the back of the leg, and then another before whipping him to the mat with a dragon screw. King fights RVD away and puts on a hammer lock before hitting a Japanese arm drag. Both men miss spin kicks, but RVD kicks King in the lower leg to take him to the mat. King runs into a boot in the corner, but when RVD heads to the top, King blasts him with a kick to the side of the head. King locks in a modified seated abdominal stretch. RVD fights out of it with a knee to the face. RVD tries for a pin, but King is able to kick out easily at two. RVD picks King up to his feet and sends him into the corner, charging in with a big spin kick, but it’s still not enough to keep Kenny down for three. RVD and King trade rights in the middle of the ring, but King is able to lock in an arm bar, bringing RVD down to his knees. RVD fights out with a series of kicks before sending King into the corner. King catches RVD running in and crotches him in the top rope before hitting him with a big kick to the back. King heads to the apron and comes in with a slingshot body press, but RVD is (kind of) able to get his knees up and in the way. RVD hits King with a big right before sending him into the ropes and eating a kick to the chest. RVD lays King out with a clothesline before sending him into the corner and monkey flipping him out. RVD hits rolling thunder and heads to the top rope. King and RVD fight to the top rope and King flips backwards out of the corner. RVD leaps out and catches King with a big kick, but when he goes up and tries for the five star frog splash, King moves. King nearly hits his finisher, but RVD avoids it and manages to roll King up for the 1-2-3.

Winner and STILL TNA X-Division Champion: Rob Van Dam

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Christopher Daniels

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Christopher Daniels. Daniels says he’s wrestled Styles more than anyone else in his career, and all around the world, and that’s fact. When you look at the history of TNA and the rivalry between the two, all the matches that they’ve had, and the battles for titles. Ultimate X, Iron Man, Last Man Standing. It’s all be a prologue to tonight. Tonight, they make history, but unfortunately for Styles, history is written by the victors, and tonight it will state that Daniels won.

TNA Tag-Team Titles: Joey Ryan & Matt Morgan vs. Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez (c)

Guerrero and Ryan start the match off. Chavo chases Joey around the ring into the ropes. Ryan catches Chavo with a big right hand before fighting him into the corner and choking him with his boot. Chavo fights back with a series of rights before blasting him with a couple of kicks to the face. Chavo tags in Hernandez who comes in and catches Ryan in a bear hug before releasing him with a giant overhead suplex. Chavo tags back in and comes in with a slingshot senton on Ryan. Ryan fights back with a couple of big clubbing blows before tagging out. Morgan tosses Chavo around the ring a couple of times before letting Hernandez tag in. Morgan asks for a shoulder block, but he just shrugs it off. Morgan hits Hernandez with a shoulder block, and Hernandez down the same thing. A flying shoulder block from Hernandez, and a second still don’t take Morgan down, but a giant discus clothesline from Morgan stops Hernandez. Morgan tags out and Ryan sneaks in with a quick cover for two. Ryan tries for a suplex, but Hernandez easily reverses things, holding Ryan high for a good while before dropping him to the mat. Chavo tags back in and hits Ryan with a low dropkick, then a belly to back suplex for two. Hernandez comes back in and takes Ryan to the mat before tagging back out to Chavo, who comes in with a double axe handle smash. Ryan runs into a boot from Chavo, but Morgan picks up Chavo from behind and slams him head first into the corner turnbuckle. Ryan makes the tag to Morgan who comes in and chokes Chavo with his boot in the corner. Morgan changes gears, choking Chavo against the bottom ropes before whipping him across the ring and catching him with a side slam on the way back. Ryan tags in again and goes for the quick cover, getting a two count. Chavo begins to fight back, but Ryan catches him with a really nice dropkick for a two count. Morgan tags back in and catches Chavo with a running boot to the stomach. Morgan chokes Chavo against the top rope, using the full count before dropping him. Ryan tags back in and goes for another cover, getting another two count. Chavo begins to fight back, but Ryan drops him to the mat with a right to the side of the face. Ryan takes Chavo into the corner and buries his shoulder in Chavo’s midsection. Ryan is able to keep Chavo away from making the tag, but Chavo hits a headscissors out of nowhere, sending Ryan into the corner and making the tag to Hernandez. Hernandez comes in with a couple of clotheslines before hitting a giant back drop on Ryan. Hernandez teases interaction with Morgan before taking Ryan to the mat for a two count. Morgan comes in and suplexes Hernandez before suplexing Ryan on top of him for a two count. Hernandez hits a backbreaker on Ryan, but he’s caught with a head butt from Morgan to the back of the head. Morgan comes in but he’s dropkicked to the outside by Chavo. Chavo heads to the top and hits Ryan with a frog splash and then goes for the pin. Morgan pulls the ref from the ring and the ref calls the match off. Chavo leaps over the top rope and he’s caught by Morgan. Morgan slames him into the post. Hernandez comes over the top and wipes out Morgan next. In the end, Hernandez and Guerrero manage to retain.

Winners and STILL TNA Tag-Team Champions: Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Austin Aries

Jeremy Borash is backstage with Austin Aries. Aries tells JB to be quiet. The one question he keeps hearing is why is he so upset, when he’s the one putting his nose in Bully’s business. Aries has found that the squeaky wheel gets the grease around here, and until he gets what he wants he’s going to keep stirring the pot. Aries asks what Bully is going to do when Austin Mania runs wild on him.

Austin Aries vs. Bully Ray

Aries runs outside to the floor before the match starts. Aries picks up Ray’s chain, questioning why it’s even ringside. Aries tries to get back in the ring, but he’s chased of by Ray. Ray finally lets Aries back into the ring. Ray back Aries into the corner and tries for an overhand chop, but Aries avoids it. Another lock up, and Ray backs Aries up into the corner, facing the same result. Aries slaps Bully in the face and then bails back to the floor. Aries tries to roll up Ray, but he’s completely unsuccessful. Ray slips up and Aries is able to put him down to the mat, before heading to the top and hitting a big flying elbow drop to the back of Ray’s head. Aries wraps Ray up in the ropes and pounds on him before heading out to the apron and coming in with a slingshot press. Aries kicks away at Bully in the corner, but Ray is quick to fight back with punches to the gut. Aries hits Ray with a running forearm to the back of the neck before clamping on a rear chin lock, then clapping Ray’s head with his forearms. Aries mocks Hogan before hitting the leg drop for another two count. Ray comes back with a series of overhand chops to Aries’ chest before simply pressing Aries above his head and dropping him. Ray hits the ropes and hits Aries with a splash, but misses a charging splash in the corner. Ray catches a charging Aries and drops him on the top turnbuckle with snake eyes. Ray heads to the top, but Aries stops him. Aries heads up after Ray, but he’s shoved back to the mat. Ray leaps off the second rope with a giant missile dropkick that sends Aries across the ring. Aries tries for the heat seeking missile, but Ray gets his foot up to stop the move. Back in the ring, Ray gets a two count, but when he shoulders Aries, Aries pulls him back with a crucifix. Aries catches Ray with a kick to the top of the head, and then the corner dropkick. Aries tries for the brainbuster, but Ray pops Aries up and hits him with the bubba cutter on the way down. Ray goes for the pin, but Aries gets his foot on the ropes to break the pin. Aries drops out to the floor. Ray heads out after Aries, but eat a drop toe hold that sends him face first into the ring steps. Aries heads back into the ring, and Bully is split open. Aries heads to the top rope and hits Ray with a flying elbow to the top of the head. Aries stands over Ray on the ring apron and hits him with a series of rights to the forehead. Aries heads to the top rope and Brooke Hogan runs down to the ring. She grabs Ray’s face until Aries grabs her by the hand and drags her into the ring. Brooke cowers away from Aries, but Ray grabs Aries from behind and tosses him from the ring. Ray checks on Brooke as Hulk heads down to the ring. Ray tells Hulk he needs to get Brooke out of there, and Hulk leads Brooke away by the hand. Aries sneaks up behind Bully and hits him with a low shot. Aries then pins Ray to win the match.

Winner: Austin Aries

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Tara & Jesse

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Tara and Jesse. Tara says Velvet who? She says it should be about her. She’s been focusing on her match. Jessie says he’s been getting a lot of tweets about the match tonight, he reads off a couple to Tara. Jessie says they’ll be partying all day tomorrow because of her win tonight. Tara says she’s going to beat Mickie James so bad she’ll be embarrassed to show her face.

TNA Knockouts Title: Tara (c) vs. Mickie James

Tara puts on a head lock, taking Mickie down to her knees. Mickie rolls out of it and clamps on a head lock of her own, taking Tara down to the mat. Tara fights out locking Mickie’s head between her legs. Mickie gets to her feet, but Tara kicks her in the gut and goes to work on Mickie’s arm, pulling her in for short shoulder blocks. Mickie tries to fight out of it, but Tara pulls her to the mat by her hair. Mickie retaliates by doing the same thing before tossing Tara across the ring by her hair. Jesse standing on the apron to check on Tara, and it lets Mickie score a quick two count with a roll up. Mickie hits a Northern lights suplex for another two count, but Tara comes back. Mickie comes back with a hurricanrana, but when she calls for the DDT, Jesse pulls Mickie out of the ring. Mickie hits a dropkick through the ropes, wiping out both Mickie and Jesse. Mickie sends Tara back into the ring, but she’s caught with a kick to the chest when she heads back in herself. Tara heads out after Mickie and drops her face first on the ring apron. Tara brings things back into the ring and stomps away at Mickie, wrapping her up by her hair and lifting her off her feet before dropping her to the mat. Tara tries for the widow’s peak, but Mickie reverses into a roll up, but Jesse is distracting the ref. Tara hits the spider web sidewalk slam, which is good for a two count. Tara locks in a body scissors, but Mickie is quick to fight out of it. Tara yanks Mickie down to the mat by her hair. Mickie kicks Tara away and gets to her feet, hitting Tara with a series of rights, then clotheslines and a running elbow. Mickie hits Tara with a kick to the gut, and a big enzugiri. Mickie crawls over into the cover, getting a two count for her efforts. Tara pushes Mickie away, but Mickie tosses Tara to the outside into the waiting arms of Jesse. Mickie heads to the top and dives out to take out Tara with a Thesz press. Mickie takes Tara back into the ring, hitting Jesse with a kick on her way back in. Tara hits the Widow’s Peak for the pinfall to retain.

Winner and STILL TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Bobby Roode

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Bobby Roode. Roode shrugs off JB’s question about his relationship with Aces and 8?s. For most of 2012, Roode was the most dominant champion in TNA history. When Austin Aries defeated him, he promised himself he’d do everything to get his World Title back. And tonight he’s prove that what he says is a fact, and it pays to be rude. He’s a businessman, and his business is the World Championship. Roode tells Hardy to remember that money talks, and b.s. walks.

Aces & 8’s vs. Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Wes Brisco & Garrett Bischoff

Devon and Joe will start the match off. Joe immediately chases Devon off and to the outside. Angle tries to calm Joe down, sending him out of the ring. Devon attacks from behind, hitting Angle with a series of rights and fighting him into the corner. Devon whips Angle across the ring but runs right into a back elbow, and then a big clothesline from Angle. Angle slams Devon’s head into the corner before suplexing him over hard. Angle pins Devon for two. Joe tags in and Devon makes his way out of the ring quickly, tagging out to DOC. DOC and Joe trade rights with Joe getting an immediate advantage, jabbing DOC into oblivion in the corner. Joe whips him across the ring and charges in after with a splash, and enzugiri combo. Garrett tags in and DOC tags right out to the armbreaker (I think). Armbreaker takes it to Garrett until Garrett comes back with a shoulder block. Wes tags into the ring and double teams Armbreaker with Garrett, leaping off Bischoff’s back for a splash in the corner. Mystery Man tags into the ring and runs into a flapjack from Wes. Wes tags out to Joe who comes. Devon tags back into the match and fights of an offensive flurry from Joe with a poke to the eye. Devon tags out to DOC who comes in with a splash, then repeatedly elbows Joe in the chest. MM chokes Joe against the ropes while the ref is distracted, then DOC takes Joe into the corner only to suplex him out. DOC clamps on a rear chin lock, leaning on Joe. Joe fights to his feet and out of the hold, but he runs right into a giant back elbow that’s good for a two count for DOC. DOC takes Joe into his corner and tags in Devon. Joe fights to his feet, but he runs right into a big leaping shoulder block from Devon. Devon is able to make the tag to Armbreaker, who comes in and beats on Joe in the corner, dropping him down with a series of clubbing blows. The big man tags out to Mystery Man, who comes in and watches as his partner eats a boot from Joe. He runs in, and ends up eating an STO out on top of his partner. Angle tags into the match and he hits MM with a clothesline, taking him out with a cross body. Angle hits DOC with a belly to back suplex before hitting MM with a belly to belly suplex. Things break down as everyone begins fighting around the ring and Angle and DOC fight in the ring. Angle eats a chokeslam from DOC. Brisco hits a cross body on DOC, but eats a big boot. Joe hits Devon with a big boot, then hits MM with a head butt before leaping through the ropes with an elbow suicida to Devon. Angle suplexes MM before locking in the ankle lock. DOC’s git a hammer, but Garrett stops him. Brisco hits a spear and knocks him to the floor. Angle hits the Angle Slam and pins him for the 1-2-3.

Winners: Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Wes Brisco & Garrett Bischoff

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews AJ Styles

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with AJ Styles. Styles says that it’s been a rough year. Styles has had doubters, from Claire Lynch to Dixie Carter. They doubt he’ll beat Daniels tonight. There hasn’t been a more consistent wrestler in TNA than Styles, and he’s been here 10 years. When the pressure is on, he does his best work. The headlines will say Styles once again beats Daniels.

One Final Time: Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

Styles backs Daniels into the corner to start the match, Daniels goes after Styles’ arm. Daniels takes Styles down to the mat and gloats a bit. Another lock up and Styles clamps on a head lock. Daniels works out into a hammer lock. Styles fights to his feet and takes Daniels over with a snap mare, working right into a rear chin lock. Daniels gets out of it with a headscissors, but Styles fights right up to his feet and sends Daniels to the mat with a head lock takeover. Daniels floats around into an arm bar, burying his knee in Styles’ shoulder. Daniels hits Styles with a couple of big shoulder blocks and quickly gloats about it. Styles bails to the outside to regain his composure. Daniels calls for a test of strength and Styles obliges. Styles looks to be getting the upper hand, but he eats a boot to the gut. Daniels locks in a headlock. Daniels tries for a hip toss but Styles fights it off and hits a big clothesline to wipe out Daniels. Styles chops away at Daniels in the corner, and avoids a charging Daniels across the ring. Styles whips Daniels down to the mat with a head scissors. Styles hits Daniels with a leaping clothesline in the corner. Styles clamps on a rear chin lock before slamming Daniels to the mat and kicking him in the gut. Styles applies the Indian death lock, arching back and wearing away on Daniels. Styles hits Daniels with a forearm to the face before sending Daniels to the ring apron. Styles follows to the apron hitting a giant suplex that drops Daniels on the ring apron. Styles heads back into the ring and tries to suplex Daniels inside, but Daniels fights it off. Styles heads to the apron, where Daniels puts him down with a urunage on the apron. Daniels slams Styles down across the ring apron before hitting a suplex, slamming Styles down hard on the ring steps. Back in the ring Daniels hits a backdrop before hitting Styles with a big clothesline to the back of the head. Daniels clamps on another rear chin lock, but Styles is able to fight out of it. Styles kicks Daniels in the chest, but he runs into a big forearm, and kick from Daniels. Daniels goes for the pin and gets a two count. Daniels slaps AJ across the face, screaming that he’s better than Styles. AJ makes it to the ropes to force Daniels to break the hold. Daniels lets Styles get to his feet and brings him back down to the mat with a tilt a whirl slam. Daniels clamps on a half nelson and works in a rear chin lock to boot. Daniels wrenches away at Styles’ neck. Styles fades, dropping to the mat. Styles fights back up to a seated position, then up to his feet. Styles blasts Daniels with a couple of forearms, and both men run in, hitting simultaneous cross body blocks. AJ is instantly split open above his eye after the collision. AJ hits Daniels with a couple of elbows, but Daniels hits a urunage. Daniels misses the BME, and AJ comes back with a series of clothesline and a spin kick. AJ picks Danies up in a torture rack, then drops him out into a bomb. Styles pins Daniels for a two count. Styles teases the Styles clash, but Daniels fights out of it. Styles comes up with headscissors, but runs into a sit out powerbomb from Daniels for a near fall. Daniels seats Styles on the top rope and pulls him out, flipping him out on to his back. Styles is able to hit Daniels with a back elbow, and the springboard moonsault reverse DDT for a two count. Both men take a while to get to their feet. Styles heads to the top rope, but he’s stopped by Daniels. Daniels heads up after Styles and tries for a superplex, taking AJ halfway across the ring. Styles and Daniels trade rights when they get to their feet. Styles gets the upper hand, putting Daniels down with a big clothesline. Styles hits the Pele kick and both men stay down. Styles hits Daniels with a kick to the side of the head. Styles tries for the Styles clash, but Daniels flips over onto his feet. Daniels tries for the angel’s wings, but Styles reverses into a roll up, rolling through and hitting the Styles clash. Styles is slow to roll Daniels over into the pin, and when he does he only gets a two count. Styles picks Daniels up to his feet and takes him into the corner, seating him on the top rope. Styles heads to the top turnbuckle and tries for a Styles clash from the second rope, but Daniels reverses into a hurricanrana. This leads to Daniels hitting his own Styles Clash on Styles. Daniels pins Styles and wins the match.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

TNA World Title: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Bobby Roode

Jeremy Borash completes his long, drawn-out main-event style introductions and now our headline attraction is officially underway. Roode takes Hardy back into the corner and buries his shoulder in Hardy’s gut. Roode takes Hardy down to the mat and stomps away at him repeatedly. Roode covers Hardy for two before taking him into the corner and continuing to work over Hardy’s ribs. Roode whips Hardy across the ring hard which is good for another two count. Roode mounts Hardy and hits him with a couple of punches before drilling him with a right when he stands to his feet. Hardy fights back, dropping Roode in the corner, and hitting him with a big headscissors. Hardy hits Roode with a clothesline in the corner, then a big back body drop. Hardy hits Roode with a big Manhattan drop that sends him to the outside. Hardy dives over the top rope and wipes out the challenger. Hardy brings things back into the ring and goes for the pin, getting another two count. Hardy kicks away at Roode before mounting him in the corner and peppering him with right hands. Hardy gets sent into the corner where Roode kicks him in the gut. Roode backs Hardy into the corner and sends him across the ring, hitting him with a big clothesline. Roode pins Hardy for another two count. Roode stomps away at Hardy’s arms before suplexing him. Roode backs away and drops a knee across Hardy’s forehead. Roode stands on Hardy’s back in the corner, wearing him down. Roode kicks away at Hardy’s midsection, standing on him and pinning him for a two count. Roode drops an elbow on Hardy’s heart before transitioning into a rear chin lock. Hardy looks to be fading, as Roode pulls him down closer to the mat. Hardy is able to make his way back to his feet, but Roode slams him back down to the mat. Roode drops a knee in Hardy’s back, then drops a double axe to Hardy’s back. Roode slams Hardy head first into the turnbuckle. Roode charges and splashes Hardy in the corner before hitting a snap mare, and leaping over snapping Hardy’s head and neck on the way over. Hardy fights up to his feet and eats a back elbow from Roode. Roode chokes Hardy with his boot in the corner. Roode picks up Hardy to his feet, slamming him down to the mat before heading up to the middle rope. Hardy gets his feet up, and Roode is stunned. Hardy and Roode trade rights, with Hardy sending Roode into the corner before hitting a Russian leg sweep that’s good for two. Roode heads to the outside where he throws Hardy into the ring steps hard. Roode brings things back into the ring and he goes for the pin, getting another two count. Roode puts Hardy in another rear chin lock, continuing to work over the champ. Hardy fights, trying to get to the ropes. Roode breaks the hold to hook on a body scissors. Hardy reverses into a pin for two. Roode and Hardy trade right hands again, and Hardy hits a flying forearm, then an atomic drop, and a low leg drop. Hardy tries for a piledriver, but Roode reverses into a slingshot, sending Hardy into the corner. Jeff grabs on and hits the whisper in the wind, wiping out Roode for another two count. Hardy tries for a suplex, but Roode is able to reverse into a roll up. Hardy drops Roode with a back kick. Hardy hits a sit out front face suplex before heading up to the top for a big backwards leaping splash. Hardy tries for the twist of fate, but Roode fights it off and is able to connect with the giant spinebuster for two. Roode picks Hardy up to his feet, where he’s surprised with a twist of fate out of nowhere. Bobby Roode then slides to the floor to save himself. Hardy heads to the apron and leaps out with a giant clothesline to Roode. Hardy tells the fans at ringside to back away. He pulls the steps out a bit and backs away. Hardy charges at Roode, leaping and launching himself off of the ring steps. Roode moves and Hardy crashes down into the barricade. Roode goes out into the crowd to bring Hardy back into the ring. Roode goes for the pin, but Hardy is still able to kick out somehow. Roode seats Hardy on the top rope and goes up after him. Roode tries for a superplex, but Hardy pushes him off and down to the mat. Hardy hits the swanton bomb, but he can’t go right into the cover. Hardy gets to his feet and turns around into a spear from Roode for yet another two count. Aces and 8?s are shown walking out from the back. Roode tries to get the ref’s attention and distract him. Roode calls in someone from Aces and 8?s. However, no one moves. Roode turns right into a Twist of Fate from Hardy. Hardy follows up with a pin for the 1-2-3.

Winner and STILL TNA World Champion: Jeff Hardy

After The Match:

Following the conclusion of the match, Aces & 8’s attack Hardy. One of the big guys hits Hardy with a powerbomb. Roode breaks things up, asking what’s going on. He paid them, he should have the title right now. Aces & 8’s respond by simply attacking Storm, stomping away at him. DOC hits him with the chokeslam. The show ends with Aces & 8’s standing triumphantly over all the fallen bodies.