Low Ad Rates For Impact Wrestling On Pop TV Revealed


The advertising rates for Impact Wrestling on Pop TV have been released online, and it may shed some light on why certain cable channels are hesitant to do business with TNA. James Caldwell of PWTorch.com reports that Impact Wrestling commands less money for commercials than lower-rated programming on the network, such as Days Of Our Lives reruns, or an airing of the 1998 movie You’ve Got Mail.

Caldwell reported the following ad rates for the March 29th episode of Impact Wrestling, compared to other programs on Pop TV.

TNA Impact 3/29 first-run airing revenue: $18,414
Avg. cost for a 30-second ad: $335

Days of Our Lives 3/29 revenue: $44,135
Avg. cost for 30-second ad: $1,100-1,250

Another example Caldwell reported was a 30-second ad during You’ve Got Mail costing $406. It was reported that TNA’s only revenue from Pop TV is a cut of the ad revenue, so Pop TV might be ending up with less than the numbers mentioned above for Impact Wrestling commercials. Pop TV recently removed the Tuesday night replay of Impact Wrestling.


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