Madusa Calls Out WWE’s Use Of Female Dancers At RAW Underground

Madusa took a shot at WWE's use of cage dancers on Twitter.

Wrestling legend Madusa is calling out WWE for its use of female cage dancers during the RAW Underground segments last week. During scenes of Shane McMahon’s underground fight club, 3 scantily clad women can be seen up on a stage dancing. Madusa took to Twitter recently to express her concerns with the segments.

“SO? We are bringing back half naked women in the same breath of promoting the evolution and equality of women? Yes this is entertainment yes this is a skit yes this is acting yes these are wrestlers why resort to women sexually dancing opening a show? Why not Men in speedos?” Madusa responded to a Tweet featuring the RAW Underground segments.

Former WWE producer Lance Storm agreed with Madusa. He offered up the suggestion of having some Chip N Dale dancers for the sake of equality.

Madusa also has responded to some critics who feel she is being negative about WWE because she is involved with the Women’s Tag Team Cup in AEW.

Madusa also responded to someone who noted that AEW had bikini-models during Fyter Fest.

Madusa On AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup

Madusa also spoke about the AEW Women’s Tag Team Cup which got underway last week. A new episode of the tournament will air tonight on YouTube.

For all those interested, WWE has released “RAW Underground” t-shirts at

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