Home News Magnus Reveals Why He Left TNA

Magnus Reveals Why He Left TNA

Magnus Reveals Why He Left TNA
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Magnus is one of the many stars who left TNA amidst of their financial crisis back in 2015. He returned to the company as a result of the GFW-Impact merge but didn’t stay with them for long and left once again within 6 months, back in May this year.

The former TNA Star recently had an interview with CLICKON Sports where among other things, he also revealed why he didn’t re-sign with the company. Below are some of the highlights from his interview:

On becoming a father:

“The real turning point for me was becoming a father. I sometimes joke that I wish that had happened [becoming World Champion] a year earlier, because we found out Mickie was pregnant whilst I was World Champion. It just calmed me down and gave me so much more of a level head, and created so much more of a perspective. I stopped blowing up about small, unnecessary things and focused on the bigger picture”

Becoming World Champion:

“They [pundits] like to believe this false rhetoric that Dixie had it in her mind from day one that this guy was going to be the top guy, almost like I was handed stuff. People forget that I started there in 2009 and got the title in 2013. I had worked every spot on the card, I’d been in tag teams, factions, I’d had all sorts of different responsibilities. I held the ratings well, live events well, and had a strong impact on the UK market. I was proud of myself.”

Why he left TNA:

“The business model there was vulnerable. They had one major client which was Spike TV, and the big vulnerability there was that if that relationship ended then we knew it wasn’t gonna be around. I was safe for another year and a bit because I had a guaranteed contract, and I kind of said when this expires let’s go our separate ways.”

Wrestling in future:

“I’m not saying wrestling is on the back burner, but I’m not going to go and fall down for money as much when I have to run businesses and have to take care of my kid. But if an opportunity comes up, I’m still there.”