Home News MAILBAG: Aliens Have Landed, What Match Do You Show Them?

MAILBAG: Aliens Have Landed, What Match Do You Show Them?


SEScoops Mailbag for June 21st

(please submit YOUR questions to sescoops@gmail.com)

Q: The return of Triple H at MSG in 2002, from his first quadriceps injury, is still considered by many is one of the biggest returns. The reaction he got was tremendous, and for a man who was a heel when he was injured, many say that kind of pop was amazing. Do you agree with this? Is that one of the best returns and crowd reactions in WWE/F? Where would you rank it? – Jeff T.

A: It definitely ranks way up there. You know you’ve gotten one hell of a reaction when your music has to loop twice. I still think Hulk Hogan’s return to Smackdown in early 2003 got a better reaction, but these things are subjective. The one thing that always bugs me is when HHH, in interviews, tries to convince us that he was really worried nobody would remember him when he walked through the curtain. That’s quite a stretch.

Q: If WWE ditched the whole Ryback robot cyborg deal and made him a powerhouse and used his real name, do you think he would end up rising to be a main eventer one day? – Kyle Gray

A: Why would WWE ditch the gimmick? Isn’t he already a powerhouse? He throws jobbers through the air and out of view on my TV screen. Using his real name won’t make a difference. If anything, I think we need more one-word gimmick names for pro wrestlers. It worked pretty well for guys like Undertaker, Kane, Vader, Sting and others. I also think someone on the roster needs to step up and challenge this man and refer to him as Ry-bread instead, kind of like how Chris Jericho used to refer to Howard Finkel as “Harold” and Michael Cole as “Mitchell”. Then have Ry-bread destroy that person. This came to me in a vision and must happen.

Q: Do you think by any chance Paul Heyman will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame next year? – Ravonn from New York

A: No, I don’t see that happening next year. I know it’s in New York, but it’s too early to see them putting him in. He does deserve to be inducted for his work both as a performer and a promoter, but if he’s still an on-air representative of Brock Lesnar heading into WrestleMania, it would make absolutely no sense for Heyman to receive such an honor right now. Hell, he’s got two lawsuits pending against the company!