MAILBAG: Did Sunny and Shawn Michaels Ever…You Know?

SEScoops Mailbag for March 17th

(submit YOUR questions to

Q: Hey Solomonster, been listening to your Sound Off since 128. On episode 148, you mentioned how it was ironic that Sunny (Tammy Sytch) and Shawn Michaels were going into the WWE Hall of Fame at the same time. I don’t know what happened between them, in I guess what would be the mid-to-late 90’s. Can you please elaborate? – Zane Decker, New Jersey

A: For one thing, Shawn’s “Sunny Days” comment to Bret Hart on Raw back in 1997 led to a backstage brawl between the two of them, as Shawn was insinuating some sort of relationship or sexual encounter between the two of them. The ironic part about that was what happened, according to Sunny, between her and Shawn the year prior. It was during a shoot interview several years ago (available online) that Sunny spoke of being in a relationship for several months with Shawn during his first run as WWE champion. She claims he was totally smitten with her and wanted them to move in together, but she decided against it. It’s hard to separate fact from fiction, but there are photos online of the two of them together from around that time that make them appear to be more than just friends.

Q: In 1999, Buff Bagwell and Scott Steiner were so over and entertaining. I think their tandem could have been as good as DX, with Steiner’s crazy but charismatic promos and Bagwell’s energy. Why did WCW break them up so quick? – Troy

A: Was Scott Steiner crazy, yet entertaining? Absolutely. Even when I didn’t understand half of what he was saying, it was like watching a trainwreck (check out the “Steinermania” series on YouTube). Buff Bagwell? Not so much. But to say they could have been as good as DX? Have you seen many Bagwell or Steiner matches (moreso Bagwell) from 1999? Michaels and Helmsley could wrestle circles around them and have far better matches, which makes any such comparison hollow at best.

Q: During the 2001 invasion angle, Triple H was out with an injury. If WWE was planning this angle months in advance, did they have any plans for Triple H (assuming he wasn’t injured)? Was he gonna defect to the Alliance like Stone Cold and Kurt Angle or was he gonna be on the WWF side? – Michael

A: Triple H tore his quad in May of that year, with the supposed invasion kicking off about a month or so later. As mentioned in Chris Jericho’s new book, Undisputed, the plan for Hunter was for he and Steve Austin, who were teaming as the Two Man Power Trip, to begin a breakup with Austin feuding with Jericho for the title and Hunter feuding with Chris Benoit. There was no talk of which side he might fall on during the course of the invasion angle, which was already over by the time he returned in January. Ironically, since that time, the closest thing to another invasion was the Nexus debut on Raw last June and Hunter missed that one as well, as he was filming two movies and nursing other injuries.

Q: I have a question regarding contract signings for World title matches. Are they just symbolic or are the wrestlers actually signing a contract? They have title matches on Raw & Smackdown and you never see a contract signed for those matches. – Owen Hamilton

A: They are symbolic. Those are not real, binding contracts. In fact, they actually look rather amateurish. A quick little story about this. When WWE returned to USA Network in 2005, NBC Universal (the parent company) hosted a WWE exhibit in their NBC Experience store in New York City. I took the time to visit it and one of the items on display was the bloody contract for the Vince McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan match at WrestleMania 19. It was basically a logo on top with the name of each participant in giant bold lettering, like something you would whip up in a Word document in about 60 seconds. I chuckled at its simplicity, but did think Hogan’s dried up, crusty bloodstains made it quite the collector’s item. I mean, it’s not Tiger Blood, but few people have such plasma coursing through our veins.

Q: Yo, what the [hell] happened during last year’s WrestleMania when Undertaker told HBK to stay down. Was it part of the script for him to just stay down or did he taunt Shawn for better impact? – Keith

A: It was all part of the story of the match. Shawn Michaels was the stubborn old goat who would take all of the abuse Undertaker could dish out and he just kept coming back. It showed frustrating on Taker’s part, until Michaels slapped him in the face and ate a Super Jumping Tombstone for the finish. The two of them had great chemistry and told a wonderful story in all of their matches.

Q: When Raw left Spike TV for USA, TNA debuted the same week. Which side decided not to renew the deal for Raw? If it was Spike, do you think they’re regretting the decision? – Ryan

A: As I recall, both sides were in negotiations for a new deal, but Spike was not interested in paying WWE the same amount, or more, that they had been paying in TV rights fees for Raw. It’s safe to say they were expecting Attitude Era numbers from WWE and quickly realized two sobering things: 1) many of those casual viewers from the late 90’s had long since deserted pro wrestling, and 2) wrestling fans have a tendency to watch their show and leave, so any new programming Spike would hope wrestling fans might stick around for would not get the ratings bump they may have been hoping for. WWE decided to play hardball and made public that they were exploring offers from other networks, which pissed off Spike who decided to simply pull out altogether. It was a risky move on WWE’s part that backfired because at that point, they lost whatever leverage they may have had, and were it not for Bonnie Hammer (a USA Network executive who adored the McMahons) helping consummate a new deal with USA, they would have been in a lot of trouble. As for Spike and whether or not they regret their decision, they’re very happy with their relationship with UFC.

Q: I’ve always wondered why hasn’t an organization like WWE, TNA, ROH or even WCW or ECW tried to get a show on HBO or Showtime? Basically, a network that would allow a mature rating for their show and not worry about blood and such. Could it be because the business doesn’t want anymore negative attention, or maybe they’re worried about not getting ratings? – Cody Short

A: For an organization struggling to get national TV, it might make sense. Otherwise, it makes no sense at all. Once upon a time, WWE made their own advertising deals for Raw, which I don’t believe they do anymore, but that would be one pretty good reason to avoid a channel without commercials. Also, WWE could care less about blood and foul language unless it is somehow going to increase their business. They are paid a handsome sum each year in rights fees by USA Network for Monday Night Raw and are unlikely to get anything close to what they get now from an HBO or Showtime. You’re also neglecting the fact that the number of homes those channels reach, by virtue of people having to pay extra for them, doesn’t come close to the 90+ million that have USA. Presently, if Raw averages five million viewers each week, you could slice that number in half (likely even more than that) and that’s how many people would be watching the show on a premium channel. It’s the same reason that when, and if, the much-discussed WWE Network goes live in 2013, you shouldn’t expect to see Raw heading over there.

Q: How can WWE retire The Undertaker just right instead of just making him disappear as they have many times before? – Boabel

A: Actually, given how he often just vanishes during his storylines, I think it would appropriate for him to leave the same way. I’d have him go over John Cena at next year’s WrestleMania to improve to 20-0 and then, after some posing in the ring, have one of two things happen. For one, smoke begins to envelope the ring and the lights go out, so Taker is no longer visible to the audience. When the smoke clears and the lights return, he is nowhere to be found. One other idea might be to have Paul Bearer (yes, I know last we saw them together they were feuding, but they’ve made up before, too) come down to the ring holding the urn up high as druids wheel a giant casket to the ring. At that point, Taker salutes the urn one final time and voluntarily climbs into the casket. The lid is shut slowly and he is wheeled off to the darkside.

Q: Does TNA have their own version of the Wellness policy? – Ryan B.

A: Apparently not as their front office and creative team seem to be suffering from dementia or some other serious brain malfunction. As for the wrestlers, TNA claims they do have their own drug testing policy, but choose not to divulge any further details about it, including what they test for and how often they test. That makes me as skeptical about it as I am about the WWF’s policy back in 1987 when they would claim they had a drug-free locker room. No really, stop laughing.

Keep those questions coming to and remember to include your name!


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