SEScoops Mailbag for March 4th
(submit YOUR questions to
Q: I was wondering why WWE always visits the smaller Allstate Arena when it visits Chicago, rather than the larger United Center? It’s the biggest arena in the United States and can easily seat nearly 6,000 more fans for a wrestling event for a capacity of 23,000. The Allstate Arena only gets 17,000 when extra seating is made available. Chicago is always a huge draw for WWE and I have always wondered [why they do] this. – Alex
A: WWE ratings and overall interest are on the rise with the return of The Rock and the buildup to WrestleMania. However, up until the last two weeks or so, their house show business continues to struggle. Chicago is no exception to this. When they are able to do so, WWE will run the smaller venue because they’re likely not selling out the bigger arena. It’s just a sign of the times.
Q: Assuming HBK gets involved with the Triple H/Undertaker storyline, how would you feel if Taker was screwed over by Michaels? I can’t see the point; WWE has spent years building up this undefeated streak and Taker has gained a lot of respect along the way. Don’t you think it would be disrespectful for Michaels to screw him over and have the DX duo telling him to “suck it” as he lies defeated in the ring? [Thing is,] I don’t know how else you could end the streak. – Chris M.
A: It’s a work, brother. If Michaels were to screw Taker and dance on his dead carcass, it’s hardly a sign of disrespect. That said, there would be absolutely no point to this whatsoever. Unless HBK agrees to come to back and wrestle another match against the dead man, which is not going to happen (nor should it, Taker may wither away to dust any day now), what is gained by having him assist in ending the streak? You’d get more mileage out of having someone on the active roster, not named Triple H, do the deed and get some rub from it. Even then, it would be foolish to end the streak. It’s a great marketing gimmick for as long as Taker wants to continue wrestling and the only thing keeping his Mania matches interesting at this point, assuming you have him in there with the right opponent who fans might actually believe has a shot at beating him. Triple H is not that guy, but John “Super” Cena would be.
Q: It has been a while, and I mean a while, since I’ve seen a SWEET Intercontinental title match. If I recall, the (then) Johnny Nitro vs. Jeff Hardy saga was a nail biter! But now, we have a title match here, a little confrontation there and worst of all, we got dudes like ‘Ziggles’ with the title. I can hear the ratings drop. So, my question is, can we please get Vince to see that he’s got young dudes with their thumbs up their asses and so much wasted talent in the back begging for a fight? – Adrian R., Trinidad
A: Let’s be honest, the Intercontinental title hasn’t really meant anything for about a decade now. The last great IC title feud featured a series of fantastic battles between Benoit and Jericho in 2000. The fact that from 2003-2008, there was not a SINGLE match for the title at WrestleMania speaks volumes. There’s a plethora of great, young talent who, if given the chance, could put on some classic matches that help build up the value of the belt (oops, sorry Vince). Kofi Kingston is a great babyface, but having 632 matches with Jack Swagger when neither guy is really pushed as anything special won’t accomplish that goal.
Q: Do [you realize] that when commentating, Booker T is kind of trying to make mid-carders look strong? – Mohammad
A: What a novel concept. Having your announcer go on TV and make the talent in the ring look good instead of going into business for yourself and making them seem completely inferior. The fact that they have Booker, a color guy (no pun intended), out there doing this while their primary play-by-play voice tears down talent at every opportunity (calling them boring, fat and nerdy among other gems) just shows how ass backwards that company operates when it comes to announcing.
Q: Any idea what’s going on with [Awesome] Kong? She’s been with WWE a while now and there is no sign of her! – Owen Hamilton
A: No sign of her in Florida either, but that’s a good sign. That means she may hit the main roster any day now. Far more people end up in FCW and flounder there for months before (and even if) they are brought up to TV. With the rumors of MMA female fighter Cyborg Santos possibly signing with WWE, I wouldn’t mind seeing both women beat the hell out of one another, or team up to wipe out the rest of the Divas division.
Q: Do you think that there will be a draft, and if so, when? Or do you see the brand extension coming to an end? Thanks! – Rachel
A: In the past, draft specials have been three hours in length. With Tough Enough premiering the night after WrestleMania and stretching for 10 weeks, that creates a weekly 3-hour block of WWE programming, and I take that to mean no draft until at least the summer. I don’t see the brand extension coming to an end, but I don’t see the need for a draft either. Why bother when we see Smackdown stars on Raw every week anyway? To steal a phrase from Chris Jericho’s first book, the comedy never ends. Just the mere thought of having a draft now is laughable.
Q: I just wanted to ask how do Buried Alive matches work? Do the wrestlers get buried alive or do they somehow escape? – Adam
A: There is a side door that allows for the person being buried to escape unharmed. If they were actually buried alive, I don’t think they could hold their breath for that long, nor do I think the weight of all that dirt would do their internal organs any favors.
Q: Do you think WWE will do what TNA did and give the Divas tag team belts? – Charles
A: They won’t and they NEVER should. As it is, those belts in TNA are overkill. I mean, they released one half of their Knockouts tag champs while she still had the title! What does that tell you about how well they are valued? Hell, WWE should probably just retire their existing tag belts, as well. Cut the dead weight.
Q: Why doesn’t WWE use the canvas and/or the padded barricades for advertisements, as the UFC and other organizations do? – Gavin
A: This would be a great idea. WCW did this many times for their PPV shows, often promoting Slim Jim as a sponsor. UFC, as you mentioned, does it all the time. Then again, I’m not sure how well-received a giant Kmart logo on the mat would be. On occasion, WWE has branded their event logo on their canvas, as they did at WrestleMania 12 back in 1996. I mention this because I actually own a piece of that canvas.
Q: Back in 2006, when Trish Stratus was with Mickie James, there was a backstage segment where Trish was in the shower and Mickie took her towel. When Trish went to get it, it was gone and she stuck her head out and asked Mickie for it. Mickie told Trish to come and get it, then Trish stepped out and Mickie said wow Trish, nice boobs. Did Mickie actually see Trish’s boobs when she came out of the shower? – Keith
A: What a disturbing question. Sadly, I wasn’t there, so I have no idea what Mickie actually saw. Now if you’ll excuse me, YouTube and I need some quiet time alone.
Keep those questions coming to and remember to include your name!