Home News MAILBAG: Which Commentator Deserves a HOF Induction Next?

MAILBAG: Which Commentator Deserves a HOF Induction Next?


SEScoops Mailbag for June 10th

(please submit YOUR questions to sescoops@gmail.com)

Q: Just how damaging is it for CM Punk and the WWE Title when an announcer gets to main event RAW, but Punk does not? – Flint in Beijing, China

A: I think Punk said it best on Twitter when he said he’d rather be in the crossover segment at the top of the 10pm hour and tell a good story than be in the main event smearing condiments on another man. It devalues the title more when John Cena is featured in the main event of five straight PPV’s and BOTH World titles are relegated to the undercard. One title would be bad enough, but two? Begs the question of why they even have two in the first place.

Q: Out of all the WrestleMania main events from 1-28, which ones do you think were the best and the worst? – Anonymous

A: For my money, WrestleMania X7 is still, from top to bottom, the best Mania show to date. As for the worst, my vote would be WrestleMania 11. Not a single match above the “good” level on the entire show. Though I must say, as bad as the LT vs. Bam Bam match was (for a Mania main event, as a regular match I’ve seen far worse), I still think Cena vs. Miz at WM27 was worse.

Q: Over the years, there have been many commentators that have been great for the business. Since JR and Lawler are both HOF members, which commentator will go next into the HOF? Also, do you think Joey Styles deserves his place in the HOF? – Eric from CT

A: I don’t particularly care for Styles as an announcer, but do respect the work he did in the original ECW. The minute WWE inducted people like Vince Sr.’s limo driver into the HOF, all bets are offs far as who they can induct. Styles would be as deserving as anyone. Being that Gordon Solie, Gorila Monsoon, Bobby Heenan and Jesse Ventura are also already in there, I’d argue for a Tony Schiavone induction. Sure, he become something of a parody of himself at the end and was never really in love with the business, but his career spanned close to 20 years, he called many classic matches and was part of WCW’s boom period. Plus, I would take him over Michael Cole any day of the week.

Q: Do you think Vince McMahon will ever buy out another wrestling promotion, and if so, what promotion do you think he would buy out? – Kirk, Fort Worth, TX

A: If he was smart, he would have snatched up Ring of Honor, before Sinclair bought the promotion, and used it as a feeder system for WWE talent. Really, the only other promotion to “buy out” would be TNA when and if the time comes that either Spike TV or Bob Carter pulls the plug. For the sake of wrestling, I hope that doesn’t happen because as the sale of WCW showed, they wouldn’t do much with it besides raiding the tape library for their new network and DVD’s.