Home News AEW Marko Stunt Talks AEW Hiring Former WWE Talent Becoming a “Waterfall Effect”

Marko Stunt Talks AEW Hiring Former WWE Talent Becoming a “Waterfall Effect”

Marko Stunt Talks AEW Hiring Former WWE Talent Becoming a “Waterfall Effect”

Former AEW wrestler Marko Stunt recently spoke with SEScoops correspondent Steve Fall for NBC Sports Boston about original AEW talent being pushed out for WWE free agents.

“I think that there was a point where they got a taste of what that star power could do…. you know and you know it’s kind of like a drug I guess in a way you you get a little bit and you’re like ooh that felt good that was nice let’s let’s let’s get a little more in here so it just starts waterfalling and waterfalling ….. you’re like oh this guy’s not there anymore let’s bring him in and so that’s kind of where it got you and like it wasn’t that bad when I was like being weaned out, but uh it definitely uh got that way it’s definitely more that way now it feels like.”