Marty Jannetty Claims Murder Confession Was Part Of Wrestling Storyline

Marty Jannetty says his recent Facebook confession was all part of a wrestling angle.

Marty Jannetty made headlines recently when a Facebook post seemed to imply he had killed someone decades ago. He claimed that a person he bought cannabis from at a Bowling Alley had attempted to molest him when he was 13 and the person subsequently “disappeared.”

“That was the very first time I made a man disappear. They never found him. They shoulda looked in the Chattahoochie River,” Jannetty says in the post. 

“I can’t say he deserved to die, but he deserved to get his ass beat,” Jannetty later said to Boston Wrestling MWF. “And, when I was beating him in the head with a brick, I was only trying to beat his ass, I wasn’t trying to kill him.”

Now Jannetty is saying he made the whole thing up as part of a wrestling angle. He spoke to TMZ about it.

“It was just the beginning of a damn wrestling storyline … but OH MY GOD, OMG. Didn’t the WORLD buy it??!!” Janetty said to TMZ.

“It got so hot I had to drop it … when my Columbus, Ga. Police Department got involved, I knew I had to drop it.”

The police opened a probe into the case after Jannetty’s Facebook post.

Jannetty is now claiming the angle was supposed to result in a feud with a corrections officer, perhaps similar to the old Nailz vs Big Bossman feud from way back.

“If he wins, he takes me in, in peace. If I win, he leave me alone, in peace … but sadly now, we’ll not get to do that storyline.”

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