Home News Matt Hardy Jail Update, Michelle McCool On The Hotseat, Maria

Matt Hardy Jail Update, Michelle McCool On The Hotseat, Maria


The Fayetteville Observer reports Matt Hardy remains jailed as of Wednesday in the Moore County Detention Center in Moore County, North Carolina pending one million dollar bond. Hardy, who was arrested Friday evening after being kicked out of rehabilitation center for failing a breathalyzer test, is scheduled for court next Monday in Moore County District Court due to three prior arrests.

— Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis will be hosting Top Rope Promotions’ Spindle City Rumble in New Bedford, Massachusetts on Thanksgiving Day. Click here for more information.

— The latest issue of Inside Wrestling features a lengthy interview with former WWE Divas Champion Michelle McCool. The magazine is currently on newsstands.

— “Rowdy” Roddy Piper tweeted the following regarding the Penn State rape controversy: “I don’t know the truth on the Penn St. affair. I know this, if someone did that to my boy, I’d kill em, with my bare hands. I know that’s true.”