Home News McMahon Profiled Tonight On ABC, James Nearly Tops Google

McMahon Profiled Tonight On ABC, James Nearly Tops Google


— Linda McMahon will be profiled tonight on ABC’s Nightline, with the former WWE CEO being interviewed by reporter Bill Weir. Nightline cameras have been following McMahon’s campaign trail and the footage will air tonight ahead of tomorrow’s Republican primary election. She discusses the high rate of premature pro wrestler deaths during the interview, which she attributes to “personal habits.”

A preview of the interview can be viewed here.

— Former WWE Diva Mickie James was at one point Saturday the fourth most searched for term on Google.com. Her recent interview with Fanhouse.com was linked on the front page of AOL.com the very same day, which apparently sparked the surge in online searches pertaining to the former WWE Women’s Champion.

— Yesterday was former WWE Women’s Champion Sable’s birthday. She is believed to have turned 43 years old.