MLW Fusion Results (11/18): The Restart Begins

MLW Fusion

Major League Wrestling presented its first new episode of Fusion in several months this week. The MLW World Heavyweight Championship and MLW Middleweight Championships were both on the line as the MLW restart kicked off.

MLW Fusion 11/18 Quick Results:

  1. Alexander Hammerstone defeated Jason Dugan
  2. MLW Middleweight Championship
    Myron Reed (c) defeated Brian Pillman Jr.
  3. MLW World Heavyweight Championship
    Jacob Fatu (c) defeated Davey Boy Smith Jr.

Alexander Hammerstone Calls Out Jacob Fatu After Convincing Victory

MLW National Openweight Champion Alexander Hammerstone kicked off the MLW restart in a big way by making short work of Jason Dugan. He landed the Nightmare Pendulum on his opponent in just seconds.

After the match, Hammerstone made it clear he wants a shot at Jacob Fatu and the MLW World Heavyweight Championship.

Jacob Fatu Retains Over Davey Boy Smith Jr

The main event of MLW Fusion this week was an MLW World Championship match between Jacob Fatu and the winner of the 2019 Opera Cup, Davey Boy Smith Jr. The story of this match was that Smith is still feeling the effects of Contra Unit’s attack back in the spring. His back was broken in the raid of MLW’s head offices and this factored heavily into this week’s main event.

Smith’s lower back started to become a factor after hitting a suplex on the big champion early in the match. It would continue to play a factor thought the match, especially as Smith went for power moves. When the challenger went for his patented power slam, his back wouldn’t allow it. Fatu then delivered a thrust kick to the back of the challenger followed by a Samoan Drop and his patented springboard moonsault for the win.

The Black Hand Of Contra Attacks Hammerstone

After his victory in the main event, Fatu got on the mic and called out Alexander Hammerstone in response to comments the National Champion made earlier in the show.

As Hammerstone made his way to the ring, however, he was attacked by a masked man. Earlier in the show, we learned that Josef Samael is currently in the badlands of Tunisia but it appears he arranged for Fatu to have some backup at the restart. Fatu and the mystery new member of Contra Unit stood tall on the stage to end the show.

Myron Reed Retains Over Brian Pillman Jr.

The first of two title matches on the show featured Injustice’s Myron Reed defending the middleweight championship against Brian Pillman Jr. The middleweight division has a weight limit of 205lbs which the champion makes without having to cut weight. The challenger in this match, however, had to cut 15lbs to get down from 220lbs. His music played multiple times before Pillman finally came out. Before the commercial break, it was noted on commentary that Pillman “did not want to come to the ring area” but we were not told why.

Following the commercial break, Pillman did make his way to the ring but it was noted on commentary that he looked distracted by something. It was never made entirely clear what was going on with Pillman here.

Reed’s chest protector came into play multiple times throughout the match. Early on, Pillman’s offence was interrupted after he hurt himself attempting to deliver a chop to the protective vest. It would be the end of the match where it would make the biggest impact, however. Reed removed the vest and placed it in the corner. Pillman then charged at the champion with a running knee but missed and hit the vest. This allowed Reed to hit Captain Crunch for the win.

After the match, Reed let it be known he wants to face the newly signed Lio Rush next.

Opera Cup Brackets Revealed

The 2020 Opera Cup tournament kicks off next week. The brackets and alternates for this year’s tournament were announced on Fusion this week.

  • Tom Lawlor vs. Rocky Romero
  • Low Ki vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.
  • Laredo Kid vs. ACH
  • Richard Holliday vs. TJP

Alternates: Gino Medina, Jordan Oliver, Hijo de LA Park, King Mo, Dominic Garrini and Daga

Salina de la Renta To Explain Her Actions Next Week

Before the restart, several allegations were levied against the leader of Promociones Dorado, Salina de la Renta. Konnan got a hold of Salina’s phone and discovered she had been working as a mole on behalf of Contra Unit and helped the group seize control of the promotion during the raids on MLW offices this spring. As a result, MLW has revoked her manager’s licence and fined her. Salina de la Renta will speak on her actions on next week’s show.

Thanksgiving Special Next Week

MLW will present a special Thanksgiving day episode next week. We’ll see the 2020 Opera Cup begin, the arrival of Calvan Tankman, comments from Salina de la Renta, and more.