Hell Frozen Over: JBL Hints At New Wrestling Faction With MLW Fightland 24 Appearance

JBL has continued his indie tour with his latest stop being one of the most surprising locations for the wrestling veteran considering his history with WWE.

Major League Wrestling or MLW presented their latest Fightland 24 event on Sunday, September 14 from the Center stage in Atlanta, Georgia. The event featured stars such as KENTA, Mistico, Matt Riddle, and more.

One of the matches during the bout saw the Anderson brothers, Brock Anderson and C. W. Anderson taking on The Bomaye Fight Club consisting of Alex Kane and Mr. Thomas.

The ending of the bout was full of chaos. After the referee got knocked down, Bobby Fish and BRG came out to help the Andersons. The newest MLW roster member Kevin Knight took exception to this and he took out the entire faction by himself.

The Fight Club couldn’t capitalize on this opening, however. Just as Mr. Thomas was looking to win the match, JBL made his surprise MLW debut. The former WWE Champion took out Thomas with a Clothesline from Hell.

He then whispered something in Brock Anderson’s ear before leaving. This allowed the second-generation star to get the pin for his team.

JBL’s Independent Tour

John Bradshaw Layfield had not made a non-WWE appearance since 1995. This streak was broken after almost 29 years when he accompanied Nic Nemeth at the Triplemanía XXXII: Mexico City event last month on August 17.

The WWE Hall of Famer has made a number of mysterious indie appearances since then including his GCW debut and a couple of appearances for TNA wrestling.

His MLW appearance is especially surprising considering the company had been involved in a bitter legal battle with WWE until earlier this year. The wrestling giant decided to settle the anti-trust lawsuit at a massive price tag of $20 Million.

Very similar to his actions tonight, JBL had whispered something in the ear of Nemeth during his TNA debut at last month’s Emergence PPV. He then helped the fellow WWE alumni retain his TNA World Title at Friday’s Victory Road 2024 PPV. His GCW appearance was to help Mance Warner retain the GCW title.

Now this latest adventure suggests that the former WWE Champion has a purpose behind his moves and we may see him managing a faction dominating the indie scenes in the coming times.

Posted September 14th, 2024 in MLW. Tagged: .

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