More On Hogan's Power In TNA, Sid To TNA Update & More

— Hulk Hogan continues to make media appearances in Australia promoting the ongoing Hulkamania: Let The Battle Begin tour and was very outspoken about writers in pro wrestling during an interview with SportFM in Perth, Australia. “In TNA, I’m going to listen to those fans and give them what they want,” Hogan said. “I’m not going to keep shoving a bunch of terrible, horrible, stale programming down their throats. (In TNA), I’m going to take the writers and tell them, ‘Go get another job. Sit in the back. If I need you to write a jingle for a commercial, maybe we’ll use you for that.'”

Hogan repeated the claim that he’s coming in to “run” TNA and answered a question about whether he’ll wrestle for them. “I’m going back to the United States to run that company – TNA,” Hogan said. “I’m going to be on-camera, I’m going to be behind-the-scenes taking care of business in the back, and if the fans scream and shout loud enough, I might even lace up the boots up, brothers, but I’m not planning on doing that. I’m planning on taking that company and turning it into the #1 promotion in the business. When I leave here, that’s the mission I’m on.”

Hogan claims to have a financial stake in TNA, which will motivate him to do what’s best for the company.  “I signed a deal with Dixie Carter to come in as her partner,” Hogan said. “I know there are several people on the show – storyline-wise – who say they are part of TNA (management) such as Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett, but this thing is for real.”

To listen to the full interview,

– Last week we posted messages from Psycho Sid’s website saying that he was headed to TNA. After checking with a source in TNA, many within the company don’t know anything about Sid coming in. Unless it’s something being kept a secret or very few people know, it may not be true.

Read More: Sid Vicious Says He’s Headed To TNA Wrestling

– After being released recently by TNA, former Knockout Sojourner Bolt is back working at former WWE developmental territory Ohio Valley Wrestling as a trainer.

– Darren Aronofsky’s “The Wrestler” starring Mickey Rourke will debut on HBO this Saturday night. Visit for details.

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