During a podcast interview with Rob McNichol for the UK Sun website, TNA star Mr. Anderson talks about Jeff Hardy’s personal and legal troubles. Anderson sympathizes with Hardy, saying every makes mistakes and deserves another chance. Anderson said:
“A guy like Jeff Hardy, regardless of what you think about him personally, is a tremendous entertainer. He loves this business and gives his all to this business.“Everybody makes mistakes, everybody does stupid stuff. I’m not trying to make excuses for anybody, but when you’ve had the career that he’s had and done the things that he’s done, you’re bound to make mistakes.
“When you do make mistakes people are going to look at it with a magnifying glass and amplify it and make it bigger than it actually is.
“I think he’s done a great job of overcoming that and recognizing ‘I did this. This is my problem. How do I fix it so that I don’t do it again? How do I move forward?’ He’s done all those things.
“I have no judgments about Jeff Hardy other than the fact that he is a great performer and a hell of a guy.”
To listen to the full podcast, head over to the UK Sun website.