MTV Mocks Batista, Vince Named On Most Influential" List

— WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has been named one of the Top 100 People in the cable industry by CableFax magazine. He earned the #40 spot. To see the full list, visit

— At Monday’s WWE Slammy Awards, Batista interrupted Maria’s acceptance speech for Diva of the Year in what appeared to be a parody of the infamous Kanye West – Taylor Swift incident at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. “That’s great, congratulations, I’m really happy for you,” Batista said. “No disrespect, but let’s talk about the greatest award ever: The Screwjob of the Year award, which goes to me! I got robbed last night. I should be World Heavyweight Champion, and I should be up for the Superstar of the Year award.” MTV writer Kyle Anderson implied the joke is dated and has been done to death already on countless award shows since the VMAs.