Natalya Describes The Mood Backstage During Roman Reigns’ Announcement

Natalya Roman Reigns

Natalya writes a weekly article for the Calgary Sun. It’s a tradition her Uncle Bret began a generation ago. This week, Natalya wrote about the mood backstage at the Raw when Roman Reigns announced he is battling Leukemia.

“Backstage, our world stood still,” Natalya wrote. “We all were watching the monitor and hugging one another, crying and in total disbelief.  To me, Roman Reigns was WWE’s version of Superman and he was our locker room leader on Raw. I thought back to how hard he worked to realize his dream to win the Universal Championship from Brock Lesnar and it made me sad to think everything now needed to be put on hold for him to battle this horrible disease.”

Natalya On Roman Reigns

Natalya’s article continued to refer to Roman Reigns as the locker room’s “Superman”.

“And a week later here I am, still thinking about what Roman said and what he is going through. I’m reminded that life is fragile and no one is guaranteed anything.  Roman reminded me that we can aspire to inspire others and lead by example. I thought about all of the children I’ve visited who were struggling with cancer who needed a hero and someone to remind them to keep fighting, dreaming and believing.”

Natalya’s full article this week can be read here.