Following the success of New Japan’s Wrestle Kingdom event they have announced that tickets for their return to the United States with ‘Strong Style Evolved’ will be on sale January 29th. The show takes place from the Walter Pyramid arena in Long Beach, California on March 25th.
You’ll be able to guarantee your place at the show as of 1/29 10AM (PST) /1PM (EST) on the 29th, so make sure you don’t miss out on this massive event.
Tickets are currently priced as follows:
On Court
Rows 1-4: $200
Rows 5-12 $150
Rows 1-7: $100
Rows 8-14: $80
Rows 15-24: $50
*Service charge not included
NJPW’s next event in the USA: STRONG STYLE EVOLVED! Tickets on sale 1/29 10AM (PST) /1PM (EST)!
— NJPW Global (@njpwglobal) January 5, 2018