Will Ospreay Talks Dream Match, Favorite NJPW Bout, His Ideal WWE Opponent

Former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Will Ospreay recently offered a Q&A for his Twitter followers (@WillOspreay) ahead of his Frontline Promotions’ debut show ‘Build Me An Empire’ which takes place tomorrow night from the Stratford Circus in London.

Several topics came up during the Q&A including Will’s all time dream opponent, his favourite New Japan Pro Wrestling bout, who his ideal opponent in WWE would be and much more. Check out the highlights below.

  • @notyash1 If you were to join NXT, who would you face & why? – Me & Ricochet as a team Vs Tyler & Trent
  • @DRose502 If you were to wrestle any wrestler past or present, who would it be and why? – Eddie Guerrero
  • @BondzillaTb Favourite Njpw match? – Okada vs Kenny. All of them
  • @bmaheshp1 Who is your favourite wrestler from NXT? – Gargano is like the man
  • @juan_rafael12 Why would not you like to go to WWE? – Right now I offer nothing. I wanna be able to say I satisfied myself on the independents & in Japan. Then if I ever went go knowing I can help and not just be another guy
  • @jyoonhorseback If you moved up to heavyweight would you change up your wrestling style or would you continue to be a flippy lad? – I’ve changed my style anyway. Look at my first match with Kushida in Invasion Attack to my match with Hiromu in Dominion. I’ve evolved over time. In fact my strikes are now on the same level as my high flying
  • @JoshuaVisser Who would you’re ideal opponent be in the WWE? – Gargano or Rollins


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