The wrestling world has to mourn the unexpected loss of another colleague this week as Yutaka Yoshie passed away following an AJPW match in Takasaki City on March 10. The cause of death was initially unknown, but wrestling colleague Suwama has confirmed why his close friend passed away.
Suwama, who also was in the tag tournament Yoshie was participating in, rushed to the hospital following his match to be with Yoshie. Speaking with Tokyo Sports, Suwama was told by Yoshie’s family that he passed away due to arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries.
Suwama said that the family notified him that “it was not caused by a professional wrestling match, so please don’t worry about it. Even in the snow, he was wearing short sleeves and shorts, and he was a cheerful and cheerful person. It was truly unexpected…”
Yoshie was only 50 years old and set to celebrate his 30th year in wrestling, making his debut in 1994 for NJPW.
WWE Hall Of Famer Mourns The Loss Of Yutaka Yoshie
2015 WWE Hall Of Famer Tatsumi Fujinami was actually a mentor of Yoshie, and commented on the sudden passing.
“I’m shocked. He also appeared at our house, and we were friends who worked together at Muga. I never expected to hear news like this. I never dreamed of that,” he said in a low voice. “I’ve been wrestling for more than 50 years, and he’s a memorable wrestler. When he wrestled with Muga, he was a great force, and he had character, so I guess you could say he was dependable. He worked hard as a member, and there were many fans of his, both locally and in the region, who cooperated with him.”
We at SEScoops would again like to send our prayers and condolences out to Yoshie’s family, friends and fans at this time.
Quotes translated via Google from Japanese.