Billy Corgan Considers Ric Flair Biggest Legend In Wrestling

Ric Flair made his appearance at the NWA’s 73rd Anniversary Show where he heaped praise for a bunch of wrestling personalities with Billy Corgan included. The Nature Boy thanked Billy Corgan for inviting him to the event and for contributing to the industry.

Billy Corgan is excited to work with Ric Flair and called him the biggest legend in wrestling. “Ric Flair, I don’t know if there’s a bigger legend in wrestling, right? You could say Vince McMahon but Vince McMahon, although he has wrestled, he’s an owner and a personality first and a professional wrestler second, and I think he would agree with that,” Corgan told Metro.

“Ric is the most decorated story and probably most mainstream thing, to this date, in professional wrestling which is pretty incredible considering how long he’s been in the business.”

Corgan said that Flair did a lot to promote the show, even beyond his contractual obligations. He also noted that Flair has a lot of opportunities now and he should explore all of them. Corgan added that he would love to have Flair on board to work with him.

“He has so many opportunities and I think he should explore all these opportunities. I’m glad to be in business with him on this, of course I would love to have him back.”

Corgan also told a story from his childhood when he would watch wrestling and wonder why Ric Flair’s on-screen persona made him care feel anger. “I remember watching RIc Flair on television and thinking, “Who is this guy?” Ten years old, you’re watching going, “Who is this guy? What’s he talking about, and why does he make me angry when he talks? Why do I care that he’s riding around in a jet?”

Corgan said that these attributes of Flair have stuck with him ever since he was a child, and he sees the same qualities in Trevor Murdoch, who just became the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion.

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