Ken Anderson recently featured on the second episode of National Wrestling Alliance’s show, Powerrr. He tagged with Colt Cabana, defeating the team of Sal...
The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) is back for the third installment of their new studio wrestling show, NWA Powerrr. Last week's sophomore show was...
Current National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis recently appeared on an episode of The NWA Podcast. During their conversation, Aldis opened up about...
National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) Vice President David Lagana recently spoke with POST Wrestling regarding the premiere of their new show, Powerrr.
Lagana admitted that he and the...
The National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) World Heavyweight Champion, Nick Aldis, recently appeared on the This is the NWA podcast. During the interview, Aldis opened up about...
Billy Corgan's NWA aired their first episode of Power this week to positive reviews. Many wrestling personalities, most notably the Rock, took to social...